trigger tiles and trip wires

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        When we last left Jane she had mistaken F for F sharp and devised a sock/shoelace plan to save herself from falling down in to the endless abyss below her. Will her plan work? Will she survive?  

        "Ahhhh!!!!" Jane screamed as she let go of the edge of the tile. She held on tight to the shoelace as she bobbed and swayed up and down and side to side. When she had calmed her nerves and had stopped swaying she swung her legs up on to the tile F sharp. For a scary moment Jane was hanging upside down by her knees and accidentally let go of the shoe lace but soon regained it. She walked her hands up the lace successfully reaching the top. Jane breathlessly said "I guess that's why grandma always sends rope shoelaces on holidays!" After Jane had  caught her breath and put her sock on she continued on her way hopping from tile to tile but this time more weary of her sharps and flats. 

        Jane was so close to the end of the temple. She could see the snake glittering tauntingly just across the big empty room. (She really wanted that snake, not just for the money but for the chance to make friends at school when she could afford a place to stay at in the city.) Jane was smarter then most people, most people would just walk across the room. But she knew that somewhere there was a trigger tile or trip wire some where, she just didn't know where. Jane stood and contemplated the risks of going through the room and finding a trap and/or getting the snake and decided to take her chances.

The floor was covered in a thick layer of dust. Jane felt like the dust was choking her. There were spider webs built up in every corner and some weird gunk sticking to the west wall. Jane decided if she was going to get to the other side successfully she should stand 3 feet from the edge of the east wall, away from the gunk and away from the bare openness of the middle. As she went, slowly and carefully, she noticed that there were runes on all of the bricks making up the walls. As she was looking up at the runes trying to decipher them, she forgot to look down at the ground and tripped on a thin almost invisible wire that ran from one side of the room to the other." Oh no" Jane whispered to herself. Then nothing. Jane stood up looking around waiting for something to happen. Still nothing happened. Suddenly Jane heard the grinding of ancient machinery in the walls. The floor split in to tiles like the ones in the last room,but with no notes on them, and one by one they started falling through the ground. 

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