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I see an ocean of sunflowers. A yellow army, a centurion, a garden. little suns with oval rays and their green clouds. I see memories, I see love and in my beautiful twisted fantasy I see you.

Death. The only wall seperating our worlds. Seperating your heaven from my hell, your existence from my presence. So I placed this seeds underneath your grave, its roots growing through your skull to my beating flesh. Sunflowers everywhere I can barely see your name, a place I can still breathe your air, still touch you, feel you, be with you. The sunflowers became a bridge connecting our two worlds, so I could feel you a little bit not far away, almost like bringing you back to life.

They were your favourite. Gold at the edges but dark inside just like you. Just like them you moved with the wind, just like them you were strongly firmed in your roots and just like them you were beautiful. They sing to me like you did, they smile like you did, every essence of them makes me think of you, they are the children we never had.

I look at this ocean of sunflowers and feel like to jump in and sink deep into its abyss, maybe hoping I will find you there, alive and breathing. I stare into the ocean of sunflowers hoping to see you but see my reflection staring back at me. So as I walk on the waters coming to touch your gravestone before I leave I remember you said I was just like flowers, but did you ever ask yourself what will happen to them if the sun is gone?

Joel Akoto.

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