She Always Wears Ripped Jeans.

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She always wears ripped jeans. That's something mediocre yet so special about her. Like every girl she wears her old skool vans with her cropped jumpers but only her wears the sunrise as a smile, something yet to come.She has a messy bun like everyone, just messier and in that chaos I see perfection.

She doesn't wear alot of makeup, sometimes not at all and it's not because she's independent but it's because she's too lazy in the morning to put it. I personally don't mind because who would wear makeup when they have the sunrise as a smile and an ocean in their eyes?
She has brown eyes like 99% of the people in the world but in her eyes I see a blue ocean, in the abyss I would like to get babtized, re born in her love, cleansed by her simplicity. Sometimes with her there is no weather warning. The sunrise doesn't come up, there's a storm in her, an ache in her heart And her soul is lost. I feel like speaking to her on those days, after all she's the girl next door but how do you speak to s girl that her eyes went from a turbulent ocean to a calm storm?

Everyday of her ordinary life she waits at the same bus stop as me, I wait for the bus to my university, she waits for her bus to Neverland. With my eyes lost in her horizon she looks at me and for the first time and shows me her sunrise, most likely recognising me as the boy next door. She enters the bus that never stops and I give my last glance before tonight at the ordinary girl I don't know by name in an extraordinary world.

In your island there is no weather warning" - James Blake, The Colour In Anything.

- Joel Akoto

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