The Nightmare

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Darkness. Wherever you turned, there was nothing but pitch black. From the sound of your feet hitting the floor, it seemed to be a bricked ground and the silence in the room was almost deafening. In usual scenarios, you would've found it all rather relaxing considering how seldom it was that you got time in silence. But this was different. One second you're lying in your bed contemplating the events of the day and the next, you find yourself in this darkness. It felt like more than a dream, but definitely less than reality.

"Ah, so it worked." You heard a voice from behind to which you turned. To your dismay, the sudden burst of inferno blinded your vision before your pupils could adjust to the light. Screams muffled everything the voice said next. Screams so many that individuality of each scream seemed to have been lost. Screams filled with so much pain that it made you shiver. You covered your ears and shut your eyes, plummeting down on the ground as your knees gave out. The emotions that were flowing into you at the rate was enormous and a lot to take for you. "Everything okay, love?" You heard the voice say again. And this time, you recognised it.

You opened your eyes to the familiar ceiling of your room. You were sweating profoundly, your were breaths heavy and your heart was beating so fast you were surprised it hadn't jumped out of your chest already. "Y/N?!" You heard Dean's voice as the door to your room slammed open. Concern was written all over his face. "What happened? Everything okay?"

"Huh?" You looked at him confused, your mind still occupied in the visions.

"What happened? I heard your scream." Sam was the next to join you, equally worried.

You shook your head as you threw the sheets away to get you some air. "Nothing." You said, realising you were still panting. "Just a nightmare, I guess." You said as your chest heaved. You saw their faces relax as Sam walked in further, pouring water in a glass from the bottle next to your bed. He handed you the glass and you drank it.

"Want to talk about it?" Dean asked, now rubbing the sleep off his eyes.

You shook your head. You knew the voice had to be Crowley's, the same Scottish accent bound with the exact same choice of words. But you weren't sure, nor did you want Sam or Dean to worry about you more than they already did. "I'll just go back to sleep." You said.

Sam sighed and nodded, "If you need anything or you can't sleep, I'll be in the library." He said.

"And I'll be asleep in my room. 'Night Y/N." Dean said halfway through a yawn as he walked to his room, scratching his butt on the way.

You chuckled and nodded, "Goodnight." You said to both Sam and Dean as Sam closed the door to your room on his way out. You said and sat back, drinking some more of the water before you set it down on the table next to your bed. It had to he Crowley, you thought. But how could it be? The Bunker was warded well enough and if Crowley could get into someone's mind, why would he choose yours? You barely knew the guy. Perhaps it was all in your head.

You sighed and rested your head to the backrest of the bed. You had been with the Winchesters for the past six years ever since they rescued you from from a witch's den who wished to use you as a sacrifice. But the Winchesters had gotten there in time, saving you from the witch. But alas, there was damage the witch had done that could not be undone. She had bewitched your family and everyone you knew so that they forget you. And forget they did. Not a single person seemed to have remembered you, no document had your name on it. It was like you had been utterly wiped out of existence from the world. But the Winchesters took you in, seeing the emotional and mental wreck you were in. They had decided to keep you with them until they figured something out. But let's just say you were too cute to get rid off. You grew on them and soon you were a part of the family. They hardly ever took you out to hunts though, even still they considered you too young.

While Dean taught you how to protect yourself, Sam was too insistent on your studies and took the responsibility to home school you upon himself. Trust me, you did not want to be seen having fun in front of Sam for a whole week if you did badly on a test. It was like he was the king of lectures or something. You sighed and changed your clothes before getting back in bed. You fell asleep rather quickly. Thankfully, it was a dreamless and peaceful sleep.


"Y/N! Get up! We have to leave!" Dean yelled and knocked on your door for what seemed like the tenth time. "God, this kid will be the death of me." Dean huffed angrily as Sam came to the door, trying to calm Dean down.

"Y/N! There's a fanboy convention a couple of cities away!" Sam yelled to which you shot up in your bed.

"Convention? What? Wait, what? Convention?" You repeated as you stood up and opened the door, looking at an angry Dean and a laughing Sam.

"Pack your bags for a week. We're going out." Dean said, his anger dissolving.  He couldn't help but smile at your half asleep excited face.

"A week long convention?" You screeched.

Sam laughed. "Just get ready, please." Sam said and went to the weaponry with Dean as you got ready and packed your bag.

You found Sam and Dean waiting by the Bunker door as your got there. Dean took his baby out as Sam locked the door behind you. With your first step outside the bunker, you felt your head heavy and the world around you spin a little causing you to drop your bag. "Y/N? You okay?" Sam put his hands on your shoulder to give you some support. It got normal soon and you nodded in a yes.

"Just a headache." You said as took your bag and put it in the car. "Can you keep the music down a little?" You asked Dean as you massaged your head, sitting in the backseat of the Impala. Dean pouted but he indeed did lower the volume seeing you hold your head.

"You sure you're okay enough to hit the road?" Sam asked as he took shotgun.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." You said and Sam gave you a smile before Dean took the road.


"Interesting." Crowley smirked, rubbing his stubble as his demons informed him of your departure with the boys. "Heavy headed, you say? That's it?" Crowley asked for confirmation, seeming impressed as the demons answered in affirmative. "The boy definitely is unusual." He spoke to himself, waving the demons in dismissal. "Perhaps it'll take more than just a spell to break into him."

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