As The Dilemma Unravelled

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You started dreaming about Crowley in no time. And these dreams were not astral projections that Crowley controlled. These included both the daydreams as well as the actual dreams that, more often than not, had you changing underwear in the middle of the night. You were having a hard time in the bunker with Sam and Dean almost always on your ass. You were able to find a little of solace when they took up hunts but not a lot changed. You still couldn't go out. They locked you in every time they went out, carefully not taking cases too far from the bunker so they were mostly back within around a couple of days.

You sighed as you shut off the TV and laid back down on the couch. The hunters were out on a case and you were left alone. You couldn't help but find your thoughts drifting to Crowley. How he kissed you before he abducted you, how he had to force himself to torture you, how you managed to bring out a soft side of him.

Only a couple hours later, you heard the heavy bunker door open as three figures walked in. You sat up straight as they all got in. "Taking a nap at this hour? Hope you're ready with that paper, I don't want to give you a bad grade again." Sam grinned as they took off their shoes.

"Oh piss off Sammy! You always give him a bad grade." Dean came to your defence, making you chuckle. Sam glared at Dean in a playful manner as the angel stood there awkwardly.

You noticed him and smiled brightly, going over to hug him. "It's been so long!"

"My apologies, Y/N. There was some matter that needed to be taken care of." He said as he patted your head like a puppy. "I don't understand." Castiel spoke after you pulled back. Dean and Sam had already left to their rooms to get freshen up.

"What?" You asked him, confused.

"You're thinking about Crow-"

"Shh!" You shushed him, shutting his mouth with your hands. You looked back to see that neither Sam nor Dean were there. You grabbed the angel's hand and dragged him to your room.

Castiel frowned at you as you closed the door to your room, "You love him." Castiel said.

"What? No!" You blushed. "And stop looking into my mind or I swear on your dad's name, I'll beat your ass so hard that you won't-"

"You went to Crowley on your own." Cas deduced. "And that's when he betrayed you. And after all that has happened, you're still thinking about him?" Cas asked in shock.

You sighed and sat down on a chair, your face in your hands as you rested your elbows on your knees. "Ugh."

"Y/N, I must warn you. And if you do not stop thinking about him soon, you'll act upon it. I must tell Sam and Dean before it's too late." He said.

You stood up immediately to block his way to the door. "No!" You almost screamed. "You can't!" You grabbed his hands. "Please." You said, your voice much quieter now as your eyes begged him to comply.

Cas looked at you for a long while and you knew he was reading your mind. And you let him. You wanted to show him your side of the story. Sure, your side of the story was more fucked up than any but you needed Cas to understand. And his nod told you he did. "Fine." He said gravely, looking at you with concern. "But if you put yourself in danger again, or Crowley comes even a little close to you then I'll be telling Dean and Sam." He said with a glare you did not often see on the angel's face. And with that, he was gone as you saw him disappear with the familiar ruffling of wings. You sighed and went back outside.

"Where's Cas?" Sam asked as you bumped into him on your way to the kitchen. You told him that he had some work and hence had to leave. "Did something happen between you two?" Sam asked. He of course could see that you had lied but you decided to fling it.

"No. Why?" You asked, cursing yourself as you drowned yourself further in the loop of questions and answers.

"Well, I don't believe Cas has any work at the moment because he said so himself an hour back. And you look troubled." Sam said.

"I'm going to sleep." You mumbled, knowing Sam would never push you to tell something you didn't want to unless it was extremely urgent. Nonetheless, your nap really was still pending.

You found yourself standing under a bridge in a city. You could hear the busy traffic from up above as the the gravel churred under your feet. You knew it wasn't a dream. You were quick to realise that you were indeed, once again, experiencing astral projection. You turned around frantically to look for Crowley, already half confused as to why you weren't in his throne room if Crowley really was the one after all this.

And there he was. You could see him with a young man only a little older than you. You quietly narrowed down on them and you could see Crowley smiling. "See you in ten years." He said and the man was suddenly walking away with a shit load money from what you mow noticed to be a crossroads under the bridge. You stayed hidden. Crowley turned but stopped in his tracks. He could, perhaps, sense your presence. But how could you be here? He could clearly sense your bright aura but he couldn't tell if it was reality or was it all rather just his desperate imagination giving him something to thrive on. "Y/N?" He spoke with an unnerving calm that somehow felt uncertainly soothing to your conscience.

You decided to step out and so you did. Your eyes met with his now wide ones as he turned back to look at you. "Why did you call me?" You asked after a long time of staring at each other blankly. You put on a face as stern as you could show it to be.

"I..." Crowley seemed to choke on his words. Was it really the Crowley that you had known so far? He seemed much vulnerable and sensitive to be true. "I did not." He finished.

"And yet here I am." You sighed, your eyes staying rigid on his. In your dreams, Crowley was charismatic and unbearably undeniable. But standing in front of him without having the predictability of your dreams, nothing was charismatic. You felt exposed and weak as the memories of the past few weeks rushed to you.


"Huh." Dean scoffed in amusement. "Cas just texted me." Dean said.

"How lovely of you to enlighten me." Sam teased, chuckling.

Dean rolled his eyes and muttered 'bitch' under his breath before continuing, "He just asked me to keep a close eye on Y/N." He said.

Sam frowned, "Did he say why?" He asked.

"Nope. Nothing more." Dean replied with a sigh.

Huh. Maybe there is more in fact more than meets the eye, Sam thought to himself as he made a mind note to look into things a bit more before he even considered telling Dean his thoughts knowing how hot of a head Dean has.


"Then how the hell did I get here? Stop playing games, Crowley." You said.

"I might have a theory, perhaps." He said, seeming to be deep in thought.


"The spell I used to force astral projection on you worked over a bound asset, such as the rose quartz that also bonded us together." He said, choosing his words carefully. "And now, so it seems, there is something else that binds us together mimicking the acts of the rose quartz and hence automatically activating the spell from your end." He said.

"Binds us?" You asked in confusion.

"I'm equally perplexed, love. But the argument is suggesting what, I think, we both know actually is." He said.


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