Longer Arguments, Weirder Outcomes

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"Dean, I'm scared." You cried over the phone.

"What? Y/N, are you still at the motel? Don't worry, I'm coming to get you. It'll be fine. Just- what is it? Is it a demon? A vampire?"

"I-I don't know..." you sobbed. "I didn't get to see... it's not like always Dean. This something is big."

"Okay okay fine, just make sure the doors are salted and go hide in the bathroom. I'll be there in a minute." He said and hung up, running out of the kitchen and straight to his Impala in the garage. Neither Sam nor Crowley had even the slightest of idea to what was going on. For all Sam knew, Dean was on a coffee break in the kitchen.

Gosh is it easy to mend Dean's will to your own.


"Y/N?" You heard Dean's voice boom throughout the room as he bursted open the door. "Y/N!" He called out louder when you didn't reply. He headed straight for the bathroom and you sneaked from behind the door to out of the room. You chuckled when you saw Dean had left his keys in the car. You kinda felt bad for betraying Dean when the poor guy was only concerned for you but a boy's gotta do whatever it takes.

You turned the keys and started the engine and saw Dean coming out. "Hey! That's my car!" He yelled as he ran towards it but you had pulled out of the parking already.

You laughed, "Race you to the bunker, Dean-o!" You laughed and drove down the road with Dean's incomprehensible yelling in the background.

"Very bad, Y/N." Castiel appeared in the shotgun. "I expected better of-"

He couldn't speak any further as you completed the sigil you had brought with yourself incompletely drawn so you could pull it off at the last moment. And that ladies and gentlemen, was your exit.

And your entry to the bunker again, of course. You were kinda worried you'd get a dent on Dean's car so you didn't park it in and just locked it and left it outside.

"Seriously Dean, how long does it- Y/N?" Sam was shocked to see you as he looked up from his laptop. "What are you doing here?"

You shrugged, "I have the world's two greatest teachers. Do you seriously think you could hold me there any long?" You chuckled and kissed Sam's cheek, pulling on them later as he tried to speak through his mushed face.

You laughed as he tried to get you off of him and looked up to see Crowley who had a disgusted face. "Aw, you want it too. Don't you?" You grinned as you walked to the terrified king of hell as he backed away from your hands.

"And that's it." You heard Dean's familiar voice as he grabbed your hand. You turned around to look at a dangerously angry Dean Winchester.

"Um... I bought pie on the way back?" You smiled nervously and resisted when Dean tried to drag you out of the room but you complied when he seriously glared at you. He rarely ever seen this angry.

"I have had enough of you. Do you have any idea how dangerous that could have been? Driving all by yourself and everything." Dean yelled as w pushed you inside your room and closed the door once he had gotten in.

"But it wasn't fair to just lock me away!" You argued with a pout.

"You should be glad I'm not throwing you down in the dungeons right now!" He yelled even louder, making you shut up and look down. "Get out of this room and you'll see the worst of me." He mumbled and left the room. You heard a click sound telling you that he had locked the room from outside.

Don't worry, kitten. I understand your restlessness around me and honestly, I'm flattered. But wait for the right time. You heard Crowley's voice in your mind and you found yourself blushing. What powers did this man really have on you?

"If you say so, Crowley." You said and laid down on the bed with a sigh.


Dean came striding into the library and grabbed Crowley by the demon collar linked to chains that he was kept in. He pulled him up and shoved him into the bookshelf, causing Sam to stand up and look around frantically, having taken by surprise. "What is going on between you and Y/N?" Dean growled as he locked eyes with the demon.

"Really, Dean? Is that how you treat your guests in America now? Way to make it great again."

"Enough of your games!" Dean shook Crowley and the chains clanked.

"Mhmm? And what exactly do you think is going on between us?"

"Crowley, I swear-"

"Let him go, Dean. The sooner we get over with this, the better." Sam said and pushed dean away from Crowley. Dean huffed and stormed off to the kitchen, returning with a bottle of whiskey only minutes later.

Crowley straightened his tie and sat down on the chair, continuing his work.


"Y/N." You heard Castiel's voice as you were just about to fall asleep. You sighed and sat up. "You're sad."

"Yeah, and?" You rolled your eyes. "There's only a limit where I can pretend to be fine with all of this, I'm not a puppy you can just lock up in the cage and bring out when you want to play."

"I understand, Y/N. But given the current circumstances-"

"Fuck the circumstances, Cas!" You raised your voice. "I've never complained about this life or whatever it may have brought us to, but I need some-"

"So you're saying you're done with this life?" You heard Dean's voice this time. Your head shot in the direction and you saw him sitting on the chair in the corner. You hadn't even realised this before.

"You know that's not what I'm saying, Dean." You sighed. "All of you treat me like I'm still an infant or something. I can't go out without you, I can't go on hunts with you then what the hell am I supposed to do?" You stood up. "I'm (your age) now, Dean. What were you doing when you were this old, huh? Going to bars with fake ID's and fucking around with some school sluts?"

Dean's jaw clenched with his eyes fixed on you, "I was working two jobs a day and taking care of Sammy and made sure he stayed in school. Do you not think I wanted to go out on hunts with Dad? Do you not think I wanted to be like a normal teenager?"

"Just because your life was tough doesn't mean everyone's has to be." You mumbled and looked away.

"Y/N, you shouldn't-"

"Shouldn't what, Cas? Shouldn't tell anyone how I feel and just obey people's orders?" You said and looked to Cas before turning to Dean again. "I already have people who want that for me."

Dean left without another word. And so did Cas.


"What?" You gasped in shock as Dean and Sam threw the news on you. Sam had called you to the kitchen a few hours later your argument with Cas and Dean and this was what had happened.

"You wanted to be like a normal teenager, then so be it. You're going to school." Sam said.

"But that's not even what I-"

"Yeah well, you'll learn to watch your mouth from this." Dean smirked. Gosh Dean's punishments were weird. Would you really have to go to school?

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