The Exorcism - King of Hell Style

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"Y/N... we can't..." Dean said with heavy breaths as he pushed you away gently but you could feel his pants getting tighter under your hold.

"Oh come on Dean... no one has to know..." you whispered and started kissing his neck as you made way to his collar bone. Dean remained silent and still, perplexed beyond computation. You removed his t shirt and he didn't even make a single attempt to stop you. He just sat there, watching you intently. You started to trail down to his chest, tasting the slight saline taste of his sweat mixed with gun powder and whiskey. He must've been to the shooting area. You had only gotten to the torso when Dean unbuckled his belt and pulled his jeans down himself, his hands now caressing your back.


"It's Vestis. He's nowhere to be seen." The demon said to Crowley. Both Castiel and the demon thought they were imagining it when they saw Crowley's eyes widen with fright. But alas, it was exactly how it looked like. The puzzle had just sorted itself in front of Crowley and he felt the very earth beneath his feet crumble. He was quick to decode that Vestis, the infamous Demon from the deepest reaches of Hell, had indeed latched himself upon you.

"Crowley. We need to focus on Y/N for now." Castiel interjected.

"Yeah, you're taking me to him. Now." Crowley said in an authoritative tone which Castiel certainly did not like.

"No. You can't go-" Castiel started but didn't continue when he noticed Crowley's clenched fists and his unnerved countenance. "Fine. But I'll need to undo the wardings first, that'll take some time." He said and left.


The sun had risen when Castiel came back to the bunker with Crowley. "I'll go tell Dean first." He said and went inside. As he approached the door to Dean's room, he noticed that the door was locked from the inside. He sighed and went to talk with Sam instead. Sam was still asleep but he woke up at once when Castiel came and after a bit of debating, they let a highly impatient Crowley inside.

"Where's Y/N?" He asked.

"Probably still asleep. I think we should let him sleep for now, you can-"

"Oh how I'd love to stand here and chat with you moose but-"

"Fine, I'll get him." Sam said groggily, not having the will to deal with Crowley's sass with the amount of sleep he had been able to get. He walked over and knocked on the door. Dean opened the door a few minutes later.

"Yeah, Sammy?" Dean asked with concern.

Sam frowned at first, seeing Dean only in his boxers but shook it off as nothing. "Crowley's here. Says he knows what might be wrong with Y/N." Sam said.

"Crowley?" Dean grimaced and not only a second after did they hear rustling from behind them. Dean turned the light in the room on, "He's gone." Dean said in disbelief, seeing how you weren't in bed anymore.

"Cas!" Sam called but Crowley was the first to come.

"What happened?" Cas asked as he followed Crowley.

"You can't run forever." Crowley spoke aimlessly as he walked inside the room. "Leave the boy alone." He threatened. "Leave the boy alone and we-" Crowley didn't get to continue as you appeared right out of thin air and lashed yourself on him, ripping his throat with merely with your teeth.

"Y/N!" The others rushed but they were thrown off to the side with invisible force as you chewed on Crowley's lifeless corps. You felt a hand on your head before everything blacked out.

Dean, Sam and Cas looked at Crowley in disbelief as he picked up Y/N's body from Crowley's very own Corps. "Ever heard of decoys and illusions, numpties?" Crowley murmured something in a hushed voice as he held you in his arms. Only seconds after, black smoke left your body and disappeared with a snap of Crowley's fingers as he laid you down on your bed.

The trio was finally able to move as the force on them was lifted. "What was that?"

"Vestis." Crowley said. "An ancient demon and a very nasty one, for sure."

"How did-"

"It seems Y/N may have astral projected on his own." Castiel chimed in as things started to become clear.

Crowley sighed and took a chair to sit next to the bed, "Y/N has a very strong aura. The demon had apparently been let out by him accidentally, and so he latched onto Y/N." Crowley explained, his eyes fixed on Y/N the whole time.


"Alright, now you know Y/N is fine. The door's over there." Dean said to Crowley.

You saw Crowley's jaw clench but you were surprised when he didn't say anything back. "Ta-da, ladies." He said through gritted teeth before looking at you and then he turned for the door.

You didn't remember much except being held by Crowley as he made the pain from your body go away. That's how you knew how much you really owed him. You were quick to get to your feet as you ran behind him, "Crowley, wait!" Crowley turned back and was taken aback beyond imagination when you hugged him. As a matter of fact, Sam and Dean were equally shocked while Cas could have easily predicted your move. "Thanks." You mumbled before pulling back and taking your posture.

Crowley smiled, "Pleasure was all mine." He said and zapped out.


"You really don't remember anything?" Sam asked yet once again as you drank your (favorite beverage).

"For the last time, Sam. I don't. My body's still aching, I don't want to remember what may have caused that." You sighed.

Dean stood up without a word and left the kitchen. You looked at Sam but he just shrugged as you saw the door to the bunker open and close. You may not remember what went through that night but Dean will always. So it seems.


I wrote this chapter half asleep haha, I hope you guys will like it.
I'm really sorry for not having updated for so long. I've just been really busy with classes and exams. I'll still try to upload again anytime I can!
Until then, you can check out my profile for other fanfictions and stories!

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