Reality Check

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"Y/N? Get up now, we're going to investigate." You heard Sam's voice as you groaned. He shook you a little to which you popped your head out of the blanket groggily. Sam smiled, "We're going to check in with a few people and see around the case, think you'll be fine?" He asked. You nodded as you opened your eyes to see Sam in his black suit as Dean got out of the bathroom in a similar one. You rubbed the dust off your eyes and sat up.

"Okay now, don't-" Dean started to speak but you already knew what he was going to say.

"Don't go outside, don't answer any calls except if it's yours, call you in case it's an emergency and the weapons are in the bag, drawer and the upper shelf. I remember it by heart now." You sighed, rolling your eyes at Dean who was smiling proudly at you.

"Good thing. We'll be back soon, there's pancakes on the table." He said and left with Sam. You got up and went to the bathroom to freshen up and brush your teeth before you finally sat down to eat. You were putting your favorite topping in it when you heard Crowley's voice from behind you.

"Enjoying breakfast, our we?" He said as he walked around and took the chair next to you boldly. You did not move. You just grabbed your fork and dug in, completely ignoring his presence. It was all in your mind, you had come to conclude. So you decided it would be best to ignore it. "I'm definitely not used to being not noticed, love." You heard him say as you concentrated on your plate. But you couldn't help as your hand trembled a little, which Crowley caught on very easily. He stood up and put his arms on your shoulders from behind, leaning down to your ear. "Angry at me about your head injury?" You could almost feel his smirk in his words as he spoke.

"It's all in my head. It's not real." You repeated to yourself as you closed your eyes shut.

"Of course it's happening inside your head, darling." You heard his voice as he lifted his hands from your shoulders, walking around. He took a hold of your phone as he turned to you. You opened your eyes to see him holding your phone as he spoke, "But why on earth should that mean that it is not real?" He grinned as he closed his fist, crushing your phone to pieces. You immediately stood up and backed into the wall behind. "Finally." He dropped the pieces to the ground and walked towards you. "Boy do I love attention." He stood so close to you that you could feel his breaths on you. The similar fragrance of the cologne mixed with Sulphur effluvium got your senses. He traced your lips with your thumb as he looked at you, "You sure are a fine piece of art, little one. I must agree." He said as he leaned in, his lips touching yours ever so lightly.

"Get... off me." You mumbled as you reached for the knife on the kitchen counter, driving it into his abdomen but the knife went straight through his body. Not a single drop of blood oozed out as you pulled it back.

"Feisty." He chuckled as his eyes turned red, the knife dropped from your hand as it reached the floor with a clunk. Crowley's hand reached around your waist, sliding into your shirt as you shivered. "Ah..." Crowley drew in a deep breath, perhaps taking in your scent. "No wonder you haven't been touched before. It's like you were born to be taken by me." He whispered, as if in some sort of trance.

Both of your heads turned as you heard the familiar sound of the engine fire up. Soon there was sound of two doors being shut closed, "Dean." You spoke.

"Bollocks." You heard Crowley growl under his breath before he brushed his hand over your head as he disappeared. You saw white and dropped to the ground, losing your conscious.


"I don't care, Cas! There's got to be something." Dean's voice woke you up. You opened your eyes and sat up with a start. There was Castiel, Dean and Sam in the room. They all turned you, Dean was the first to rush to you. "What happened? Who was here?" He asked. They had seen the Sulphur in the room and the broken pieces of your phone as they had found you in a deep sleep.

"It's useless, Dean. His memory has been wiped out." Castiel was the next to speak in his grave tone. Sam stood next to him, worried as much as everyone else in the room.

"Crowley." You said. "It was Crowley." You spoke again to everyone's confused faces. You told them everything from the nightmare to the bathroom encounter. You saw Dean's fists clench.

"But..." Cas tilted his head. "Crowley erased your memory. I could sense the remnants of the energy." He said.

"That's your concern?" Dean turned to look at him. "How'd he even get here? I salted the room myself." He said. Cas nodded and went to look around the room.

"Did he do anything? Did he say something?" Sam asked you with concern.

You shook your head, "Just some weird sexual innuendos, I guess." You sighed. You noticed Dean's muscles twitch.

"Well. That's Crowley for you." Sam sighed.

"It's been marked." You heard Castiel's voice from afar to which you all turned. "Crowley knew you were going to come here, this is the spell which let him in." He explained.

"Son of a bitch." Dean growled and took out his knife, going over and carving out the mark with it.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Sam turned to you once Dean had left. He knew you always tried to appear tough in front of Dean, tried to be more like him. But you always opened up to Sam.

You nodded, "At least my head doesn't hurt anymore." You smiled a little at him.

"Let me check." Sam patted your shoulder and opened the gauge and bandages only to stare at it with a baffled look.

"Wait, it's not infected or anything. Is it?" You asked as you looked up at him.

"Dean?" He called which was rather unnerving to you.

"Sam? What's wrong?" You furrowed your brows up at him but the Winchester ignored your enquiry, turning to Dean who looked just as shocked as Sam when he saw your wound.

"I'll be damned." He spoke.

"Guys?!" You yelled now, worried.

"That son of a bitch healed your head." Dean said, fixing his eyes on yours.

"What?" You asked, now just as confused as everyone else. "Well he did speak with some courtesy, I guess."

"He must have an ulterior motive. Crowley would never do something that wouldn't benefit him." Sam said.

"I have to leave. Take care, Y/N." Castiel said and zapped away.

Dean sighed, "How will we work on the case now?"

"It's fine, Dean. You carved out the mark, I'll be fine. And even if he does show up again, I'll be prepared." You said, thickening your voice to give a dramatic effect.

Dean chuckled and ruffled your hair, "Of course you'll be prepared. You learned from the best." He gave you a goofy grin which made you laugh and point to Sam. "Hey! That nerdy knowledge isn't going to save your ass!" He grabbed your hand, making you point at him. Sam joined you in the laughter as Dean chuckled.  You felt much at ease now.


"They've found out about the spell, your majesty." A demon came into the room, bringing Crowley back from his thoughts about you.

"What?" He asked again.

"Yes, sir. The Winchesters have broken the mark." The Demon said.

Crowley laughed bitterly which made the demon take a step back, hoping he wouldn't be killed. Oh, I don't need a spell to get in anymore, he thought to himself as he grinned. He dismissed the demon with a wave of his hand, smirking as he ran his thumb over his lips, trying to recreate the feeling of your lips on his own. "This is going to be more fun than I first thought."

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