Conundrums Ensue

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Weeks had passed since your trip to hell and back. Almost everything seemed to be getting back to the usual. Sam and Dean hadn't gone to anymore hunts though. Not that they didn't find any cases, they just couldn't leave you alone. Dean was still adamant on you sleeping in his bed and honestly, you found it better than sleeping alone too. Because Dean would always be there whenever the nightmares got to you. Even Sam would come in every time he heard something, being just next door. Cas came by every other day now to check on you. And while Dean didn't say anything, you could see he was uncomfortable with Cas getting so close to you. Well, keeping all that aside, it was almost back to the usual. Sam's tests were on you like anything and Dean's training only got more tense and you couldn't  be more glad, for it helped you a lot to move on from whatever that had happened. Yes, you still got nightmares. And yes, you still found yourself lost in Crowley's thoughts every now and then. But you were getting better, and you were learning to move on.

Little did you know, Crowley was getting worse. He had absolutely no means of knowing even if you were alive or not. Sam and Dean had warded the bunker against Crowley's spell after you told them how he forced astral projection on you. Crowley killed anything and everything that interrupted his thoughts about you. He was left to starve on memories and the fading scent that you had left in his chambers.

"Y/N? You up?" Dean asked as he came into the room. You were sitting on the bed, still trying to wake yourself up. Your last night was filled with nightmares so neither Sam nor Dean woke you for practice or to study. "How are you doing now?" Dean asked as he came in, seeing you awake.

"Better." You smiled at him and stood up. Dean had stayed up all night with you when you were too afraid to go to sleep again and you doubt he slept even after that. Only God knows how we was up and running after all that.

"I'm going for a food run, you want to come?" He asked and chuckled as he saw your face light up. "I'll take that as a yes. Go get ready and have some breakfast, I'll be in the garage." He ruffled your hair and went out of the room. You almost ran to the bathroom in excitement, you would go out after such a long time. You got all freshen up and dressed. You went to the kitchen to get something to eat before heading out.

"Someone looks happy." Sam smiled brightly as he saw you. He was the one who had suggested Dean to take you out and was glad that his plan had worked.

"Isn't that someone also looking cute as fuck?" You grinned cheekily as you munched on an apple.

Sam frowned at you, "Language, Y/N."

You giggled, "Aye aye captain!" You screeched and ran to the garage.

"Failed another test?" Dean chuckled as he saw you run in the garage. You always ran to Dean whenever Sam was about to start with his lectures.

"Said a bad word. Start the car!" You laughed as he played along, getting in the car as you took shotgun and then you two drove off.


Something flipped inside Crowley like a switch as you got out of the bunker. He could sense you. You were alive. And you were happy. Crowley let out a sigh of relief before getting up from his thrown in the middle of a discussion. Of course, no one dared to question him.


"Dean, is this the one you were looking for?" You looked around the aisle and the gun polish slipped out of your hands and it dropped to the floor with a clink. You saw Crowley standing just a few steps away from you. Dean was no longer in your sight. Your heart started beating faster as adrenaline rushed through your veins.

"Y/N..." you heard his voice, more hoarse than you remembered. Was he hurting? You couldn't know for all of your senses were clouded by fright.

"No please!" You begged as you took a step back, slipping on the polish can only to fall on your back. On your way down, you hit the shelf and all of the cans came running down.

"Y/N!" You heard Dean's voice as he ran over to you. But your mind was still with the man you had seen just moments back. Your heart was still pounding in your chest. "What happened?" He asked as he helped you up.

"D-Dean we need to go. W-We... please..." you pulled at his arm as he looked at you with concern.

"Y/N? Buddy, what's wrong?" He asked you, taking your hand in his. But you couldn't hold it any longer. You shrugged his hand off and looked around for the familiar symbol. You to the loo as you found the way, emptying the contents of your stomach.

It didn't take Dean any longer before he caught up to, giving you some water to rinse your mouth with once you were done. He kept rubbing your back for comfort. You had tears in your eyes as the memories of hell churned inside you, shutting you down from within. You saw Dean asking you something but everything drowned in your sobs and the world seemed to spin before everything blacked out.


You opened your eyes as you regained conscience. You saw the familiar ceiling of Dean's room. You tried to sit up and it took a lot of effort before you finally could. Only seconds later did Sam come in and rushed to you, seeing you awake. "Y/N!" He sighed in relief. "How are you?" He asked.

"Water..." you mumbled through your achingly dry throat. Your mind, though, was much clearer now. You recalled the events that had occurred not too long ago. You drank the water gladly that Sam gave you before he sat down on your bed. He didn't say anything nor did he ask anymore questions, having decided to give you time. "I slipped and I think I hit my head, probably a concussion." You lied to Sam. "But I think it's gone now, much better." You told him.

"Oh." Sam looked at you, clearly not buying what you had to say. "Well, I'll get you something light to munch on. I'll send Dean in." He said and left without waiting for your reply. He was obviously going to tell Dean you're lying again. You sighed as you rested your head on the backrest of the bed. You found yourself thinking about the earlier events again. How Crowley looked, how he spoke. It was almost as if he was just another ordinary human and not The King of Hell. Strange enough, you had a feeling everything was about to turn upside down. And you didn't seem to have any control over it.


A Supernatural x Male Reader (ONE SHOT COMPILATION) is going to be out soon! Keep yourself updated! Follow me if you want to get the notification, I'll be posting the news in the next Author's Note anyway, in case you don't want to. 🙃😊

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