Chapter 5 ♥

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Things are starting to change from here on! 

hope you guys like it ! 


Joe's POV

'' what are you going to do with this Wilson guy? '' Nick asked while looking at his cellphone.

'' Well, i'm gonna find him and i'm gonna make sure he doesn't get up from the floor '' i replied to him, drinking a bottle of water.

'' dude '' nick looked at me '' thats the fifth bottle '' i looked at him.

''so? why you care?'' he laughed. '' your gonna be going to the bathroom alot of times '' he said and went back to look at his cellphone.

'' Idiot '' i let out a chuckle. Nick, my bestfriend, he always know how to get a laugh out of me. 

'' Hey Nick, hey Joe '' Kevin said as he walked inside the living room.

'' what took you so long? you were suppoused to be here yesterday '' nick said as i shook kevin's hand.

'' Well,  the flight got delayed '' he sat on the couch as well. Tell me something i don't know.

'' you always have that problem'' i said to him and he shrugged.

''It's not my problem '' he laughed. '' So, where's the lady?'' he asked.

'' What lady? '' he gave me a look. '' Joe, i'm not stupid. i know you got a girl here, why? '' i sighed.

'' Because, i don't want her to talk about stuffs '' he kept staring at me. It was getting annoying. '' what stuffs? '' 

I stood up. '' why you care so much? '' i raised my voice. '' Because you can't be kidnapping girl, with no reason! '' he raised his voice as well as he stood up.

'' Well, she was in the wrong place, at the wrong time. If i let her go, she might open her mouth...then i'm fucked '' I turned away

'' Bullshit! '' he yelled. '' And she's probably working for Wilson & Morris '' i turned back to him.

'' Are you serious? '' he got shocked. What to expect, we both are trying to protect ourselfs.

'' Yes, but she keeps telling me she doesn't work for anybody... I don't believe her '' I calm down a bit and he sighed, looking away.

'' Still, you brought her here, now she knows where we live and what we do...You're fucking stupid '' he looked at me mad. 

'' I did what i had to do '' I stared at him. He was now pissed, great.

'' No you didn't! you could've let her in that place, at that moment she didn't know who the fuck were you! But now, She knows you are fucking Joe Parker, the most powerfull man in this state!! '' He yelled, mocking me

'' Man, fuck you! She knows she can't say a word! Besides, She's mine now '' i said and a smirk appeared on my face.

'' Your an idiot '' I shrugged '' I know what she used to do, i might get here on our team '' He pushed me.

'' You fucking crazy?! '' I sighed '' No, but i know she has no choice but to do it '' Kevin runned his fingers through his hair.

'' What did she used to do? '' he looked at me. '' she's a distributor'' i smirked.

'' Really ? but she, she -- '' i interrupted him. '' yes, drugs '' he sighed.

'' Look, im trying to get her to feel comfortable, so i can get her in our team '' he rolled eyes '' yea, then you fall inlove with her, something happens to her, you have to play superhero to save her, our job get's ruined...what else? Oh! you get her pregnant, then you have to protect her and the baby from the people that wants to kill you, blah, blah, blah! '' I glared at him.

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