Chapter 13 ♥

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'' What do you want to do with all this? '' I asked Selena. '' I've been having my mind on something else, something legal '' She said looking around. '' You want to get that fashion designer dream come true? '' I chuckled and she nodded. '' Yea, but If you want to get out just like Demi does, I want to help. '' I smiled. '' Yea I know, just not now '' I replied. 

'' I still can't believe she's gonna leave her father business '' I shugged. '' Maybe she'll gave it to someone else '' She shook her head. '' I don't think so...She won't do that, at all '' She said and I sighed. '' You ok? '' She asked.

'' I'm still a bit worry about what happened '' I said. '' Oh, John? '' She asked and I nodded. '' yea '' She smiled. ''Don't worry, I know you're stronger than him, you're not afraid of him and I also know that If something does happen to demi, I know that she knows that you're gonna help her'' I looked at her. '' You always touch my heart '' She hit me. ''Shut up!'' I laughed. 

'' I'm serious!'' she chuckled. '' then stop laughing'' I said and she stopped. '' Alright'' I smiled. '' Thank you'' I said. '' You welcome''


It has been a while now, two months. They have been really great but at the same time very stressful. My relationship with Demi got stronger, we're getting along pretty well, we fight sometimes because of my bipolarity but still strong. On the other hand, John has been sending me threats, getting on my nerves. 

'' Joey! '' Kevin yelled as he closed the front door. '' Don't call me that! '' I shouted while walking downstairs. '' Shut up joey, here another letter from john '' I grabbed it and I was about to throw it in the garbage. '' You should read it '' Kevin said. '' he keeps saying the samething! '' I shouted. '' Read it'' He said and i sighed, opening the letter and began to read. 

'' Two months baby boy, where have you been? protecting your princess? We both know that doesn't work. I saw your lady at the mall two days ago, she looked hot in that dress, I might want her. Parker, stop running away from me, i'm getting tired of don't want to lose your brothers or your lady, don't you? '' I finished and throw the paper away. 

'' Everytime! '' I shouted. '' dude, you have to do something, he's been following Demi around '' Kevin said and I sighed. '' You idea didn't work '' I told him. '' she's in danger outside of this house''

'' You still haven't told her? '' He asked. '' Told her what? '' I looked at him. '' About her father '' He said and I ran my finger through my hair. '' I'm not gonna tell her '' Kevin rolled his eyes. '' You have to '' I looked at him. '' I won't '' I said. '' You will, you can't keep that forever you know that! '' he shouted. '' I can't tell here, she's gonna hate me after that! '' I shouted back. 

'' You want me to tell her?! it'll be worst!'' He looked at me and I heard demi walked inside with nick. Kevin just stared at me. '' no'' i mouthed, he pointed to her. '' now'' he mouthed. i shook my head. '' DEMI! Joe has something to tell you! '' I looked at him. '' KEVIN!'' I yelled. 

'' What is it? '' she asked. he turned to me. '' what is it joe? '' he said. I stared at him. '' Fuck off'' I said. Kevin walked away with Nick, leaving me alone with Demi.

'' What's wrong?'' she asked, getting closer to me. I rested my hands on the counter. '' I need to tell you something, I don't know how you gonna take it but you will probably hate me'' I said and sighed. '' I could never hate you '' she smiled. '' tell me'' 

I turned to her. '' What exacly happened to you father? '' I asked. '' I don't know much about it, I just know that he got killed. '' He got killed on a dark street. '' I said. '' how you know? '' She asked. '' He was walking when a car stopped besides him and someone shot him. '' I said, looking at her in the eyes. '' He got shot 10 times, most of them in the chest and stomach. '' I said. she frowned. '' all with a CZ P09 '' I said taking out the gun from the drawer and placing it on the counter. she looked at the gun then at me. '' W-what? '' She asked. '' It was me, demi...I did it '' I said.

She backed away a little. '' W-why? '' She said. '' He was doing the samething as john '' i looked at her. '' Why you didn't tell me?!'' She yelled. '' Because I knew this would happen!'' I shouted. '' SO?! All my life I wanted to know who did it and right now, i found out its you, NOW because he couldn't told me earlier! '' She yelled. '' well, i'm sorry! '' I yelled. 

'' It doesn't matter anymore, he's not gonna come back'' She said and pushed the gun towards me before walking upstairs. I watched her walk away and sighed. '' Hope your happy Kevin! '' I shouted. '' You did good '' He shouted back. '' sure i did '' I whispered.

Later on that night, I walked towards my room and I saw Demi sitting on the bed, playing with her fingers. I got near the bed and stared at her.

'' You ok? '' I asked. '' I will be '' she said. '' I'm sorry that i didn't tell you ''  I said and she nodded. '' I told you it doesn't matter anymore'' She looked at me. '' I forgive you '' She said. I sat next to her and grabbed her hand. '' I never knew he had you, but i'm thankful '' I smiled a bit.  '' Why? '' she asked. '' He gave me something worth fighting for'' 


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