Chapter 20 ♥

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Demi's POV

I'm still shocked about Joe proposing. I didn't expect that like At all. This man is full of surprises. So, three day passes since Joe proposed and I'm still excited as that moment. Today, i've decided to go to the mall with Selena, just because she wanted some company. I dressed up very, very casual. I put up a blue pastel dress and some white sandals. I did a messy braid and I was done and no I didn't use makeup at all. 

'' Ready? '' Selena asked. '' Yes '' I said walking down the stairs. '' Joe! '' I yelled and he came out from the living room. '' I'm here! '' He yelled back and I smiled. '' Sorry, I'm going to the mall with this girl '' I pointed to Selena and she smiled big. '' Alright, have fun '' He said giving me a small kiss. '' Love you '' He smiled. '' Love you too '' I said and walked out. 


'' So, your boyfriend finally proposed, anything in mind? '' Selena asked as we walk through the mall. '' Not really, I haven't think of anything '' I looked at her as I ate a couple of almonds. '' You should make it very simple, maybe a blue pastel dress '' selena said. '' at the beach, that's good too '' I smiled and she nodded. '' we should work on that soon '' Selena smiled, walking inside a store. '' Starting to buy clothes? '' I asked following her. '' not yet, i'm just looking '' She replied. '' Oh look at that crib, it's beautiful '' She pointed and I looked. '' Damn, two babies can fit in there, i'm pretty sure '' I said and laughed. '' Its perfect though, looks very comfortable '' She looked at me. 

'' Don't tell me you're buyin it? '' I asked her. '' The question is... why not? '' she smiled and and walked towards an employee and began to speak and point to the crib. I just smiled to myself and kept looking around. There was so much beautiful stuffs. I went to the clothe area and looked around boys clothes. I was pretty sure i'll be having a boy, but I don't wanna know until i give birth, that's why I haven't buy any clothes. 

'' Hey girl, it's on layaway '' She giggled and I smiled. '' Nice '' I said. '' Probably gonna get it out in two weeks. so, you wanna buy something? '' She asked. '' I already have the necesary '' i replied. '' Like the crib and stuff? '' She said as we walked out of the store. '' yea, later on i'll buy some clothes '' i said. '' dems, you should buy atleast a pj and to make sure, buy them of each gender '' she looked at me and i smiled. '' I'll be fine Selena '' i said and she sighed. '' Come on '' she grabbed my hand and dragged me back to the store to buy some pj's.


'' see, it wasnt that bad, atleast you have some clothes for the baby '' selena said as we walked inside the house. '' sure ''  i replied and smiled. '' This girl didn't want to buy any clothes for your baby and I was like...YOU CRAZY?! '' Selena said, closing the front door. '' You don't say ? '' Joe said as he walked downstairs. 


Two Months passed and I was seeing myself with a bigger belly and planning my wedding with Joe. So far, its nothing fancy, just very simple like Selena planned. It was going to be at a small forest, everyone with simple formal wear and i've decided to make it a private wedding, its more easy. 

'' Hey dems, aren't you going to invite your mother? '' selena asked and I looked away. '' no '' I replied and she frowned. '' why not? '' She said. '' because she doesn't want to know about me '' I looked at her. '' Everysince i've decided to take over my father bussiness, she kicked me out of the house and doesn't want to know about me like at all.. so, neither do i '' I said and she slowly nodding. '' Im sorry '' she said. '' Don't worry about it, I don't care anymore '' I smiled a bit.

'' So, made of honors? '' she asked. '' You and Danielle '' I replied. '' Perfect, now all we need is a perfect dress for you '' Selena said as she closed her notebook, putting it away in her purse. '' Like right now? '' i looked at her. '' Yes, dummy, let's go '' 

 We got inside of her car and she drove to the nearest dressing store. We looked around, searching for the perfect dress but  what we mostly saw was those fancy dresses that we both hate.

'' this is not possible '' Selena sighed. '' Come on, there's gotta be another place '' I said and we left the store. '' How exacly do you want you dress? '' Selena asked while driving. '' I already told you, something simple, with a blue pastel color '' i said and she sighed. '' let's try the mall, ok? '' She said. '' Yes ma'am'' I giggled.


''what do you think? '' I walked out of the fitting room. '' Oh my God, it's perfect '' she said and i smiled. '' turn around '' she said and i did. '' do you like it? '' she asked. '' yes, it's very comfortable '' I smiled big. '' we'll take it then '' we both smile and i went back inside to change. 

'' well, to be true, we got lucky there '' Selena said. '' Yes, definetly '' I smiled getting inside the car. '' Everything is done, now you need to pick the date for your special day lady '' She said while starting the engine. '' That, buddy, I need to thing about it ''  i replied. '' alright, take your time '' she said and drove back to my house. 

'' I'm glad you guys finally moved out '' Selena said. '' this house is so much better for you two '' she giggled and i smiled. '' Yea, we're finally setting everything down '' I said. '' I'm happy for you '' she smiled. 

'' I can't wait for your wedding '' I smiled at her. '' Yes, one week left! '' she clapped. '' I'm gonna cry '' i laughed. '' so am i '' she said laughing. '' i'll see you tomorrow '' I hugged her and got out of the car, grabbing my bags. '' Bye hun '' she said and waited for me to get inside the house before driving away.

'' What you got in there? '' joe asked. '' something you can't see '' i smiled. '' really? '' he pouted. '' yes '' I said and kissed him. '' How it go? '' he smiled while placing his hands on my belly. '' It was my lucky day, we found everything prety fast '' I said and he smiled giving a kiss to my belly, making me smile too. '' and how's my baby? '' he asked looking at me. '' he's perfect '' I giggled. '' perfect '' he smiled at me and kissed me. i kissed him back smiling. '' can't wait until i marry you '' i blushed. '' I can't wait either, baby ''

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