Chapter 10 ♥

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Demi's POV

'' How will i know your not hiding anything in this box ? '' i asked a guy who wanted me to take care of a package. The guy got a bit nervous. '' There's nothing in there, trust me'' he said and i shook my head. '' I don't believe you '' i said and started to open the box.

'' What are you doing?! there's personal stuffs in there!'' the guy yelled, trying to stop me. '' I'm gonna see what the hell your hiding in there. i am not gonna risk my stuffs for you stupidity! '' i shouted at him while i took the box away from him. 

'' You think i'm gonna fall for every word you say when i just say a fucking bomb in here?! This could be on its way and out of nowhere could blow up! '' i looked at him. '' BULLSHIT! '' he yelled and tried to hit me.

I grabbed the guy by the shirt and punched him in the face. '' Stop it, asshole! '' i looked at him. '' SELENA!'' i yelled and she walked inside the room. '' what?'' she asked and i pushed the box with my foot towards her. '' get rid of that, please'' i told her while looking at the guy on the floor. 

'' alright'' she picked the box and left. '' If you're trying to crash us down, tell your boss it won't work, GOT IT?! '' i told him and he just and ran away. I turned around and i saw joe, staring at me shocked. 

'' What? '' i asked him and he stared at me. '' you do take this seriously'' he smirked and pecked my lips and i smiled. '' oh, you saw that? '' he laughed. '' no, but i definetly heard you'' 

'' You do good and your business'' he smiled. '' i know, i take it very seriously and well, don't want anyone to ruin you '' he laughed. '' care too much? '' i smiled. '' my business is in the middle of yours, i have to care '' She looked at me.

'' If you says so '' he let go of me and walked towards the door. '' i'll be right over there'' he pointed and i nodded. '' alright'' and he walked out.


Joe's POV

'' dude, you see how she treated that bastard? '' nick asked as he pointed to where demi was. '' i've heard her'' i chuckled. '' wow, she was the bomb! '' he laughed and patted my shoulder. '' you are lucky, bro'' he said and walked away towards Selena.

The day passed by pretty fast, i was literally doing nothing, just laying on a couch watching Demi work. To tell the truth, she was very impresive. It even looked like she was the owner of everything i have, just kidding. But seriously, she was impresive.

'' Definetly the girl for you'' Kevin sat next to me. '' dude, im eating '' he smiled. '' i noticed and as people say in spanish: buen provecho '' i chuckled. '' gracias'' i said and swallowed my food. 

'' What's been happening between you guys? Is the asshole still around? '' he asked and i rolled my eyes. '' yes, he's still living in this house!'' i shouted and laughed. '' Good to know ''

'' We've been good '' i stood up. '' i'm not cleaning your mess '' he said and i smiled. '' to bad, i'm already gone! '' i shouted walking up the stairs. '' Fuck you!'' i heard him shout back and i walked inside my bedroom.

'' I thought you were sleeping, it's 12:00 am '' i looked at demi as i closed the door. '' Can't sleep '' she said, looking at the ceiling. '' You ok?'' i sat next to her. '' yea i'm ok, by the way...i've heard you guys talking '' she looked at me. '' who? '' i asked. '' you and Kevin '' she giggled.

'' so, we've been good? '' she asked, sitting up. '' yea, we are '' i smiled. '' you sure about that?'' i placed my hand on her thigh. '' really sure about that, you doubt?'' i asked her. '' i'm just making sure, still glad you didn't killed me and i get the opportunity to keep on with my stuffs '' she looked at me. i chuckled. '' well, you welcome '' i pecked her lips.

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