4 - Mystery

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Am I in heaven now?




Why am I seeing an angel in front of me?

“Hey! Are you listening to me?!” He said but I refused to even understand a bit of his thoughts.

He looked like an angel. Wearing white clothes, blonde hair, and a face that would surpass the word ‘handsome’.

I was daydreaming about the guy in front of me. Wondering if he is true or am I just dreaming after I died in the water. I was just staring at him, observing and taking in every bit of his facial features when I felt a painful slap hit my cheek which brought me back to my senses.

“Y-you…” I said as my eyes wandered in his.

“You nearly died there…” He said as he offered his hand to me.

I took his hand in mine so I could sit up as he pull me up.

“You saved me?” I asked him and he just looked down and sighed.

“You shouldn’t end your life whenever and however you want to. God has given you the chance to live so don’t waste it.” He said nonchalantly.

“Who are you?” I asked again.

“You don’t need to know who I am. Just be thankful that I was there to save you.” He said.

“But… how did you—“

“Too many questions… but I’m not answering anything you will ask.” He said. “Anyway, don’t you have to go?”

“I-I don’t want to…” I said as I looked away from him.

Suddenly he stood up and then pulled me up to stand.

“If you don’t get home then you’ll freeze to death here.” He said and then put his coat over me so I could feel warm.

“Why are you being so kind to me?” I asked him but he just smiled sweetly.

“Not all people in this world are so bad. There are still a few who are like me you know.” He said and then patted my head. “Let’s get you home…”

He held my hand and then he pulled me to walk till we got on a bus. He let me sit first at the back and then he sat next to me, leaving a few inches of space in between us.

“Do you even know the way going to my house?” I mumbled as I sat there pouting.

“No… but my instinct is always right, so we’ll arrive there in no time.” He said confidently.

How can you be so confident.

“Don’t belittle me brat… I wouldn’t be so confident if I didn’t know…” He said and then smiled at me.

Then how does he even know?

“Let’s say I’m knowledgeable enough to know… or that my guesses are just always right.”

Is he reading my mind? Can he?

“I’m not reading your mind so don’t give me that face” He said and then I looked away from him.

Who really is this weird guy?

“Are you still cold?” He asked and I just shook my head.

“Shouldn’t you just get back your coat… you’re wet like me so maybe—“

“Just give that back when we see each other again.” He said and then smiled weakly.

“Are we going to see each other again?” I asked him as I was quite confused with his last statement.

“Who knows.” He said and then smiled sweetly at me again.

He’s so mysterious, but that smile tells me that he’s indeed a good person. A person I can trust and wish I could see again.

When we got down, he really amazed me. We got down on the street just a block from my university and a few walks from home.

“How did we arrive here that fast?” I said as I look around to take in the night view of Seoul.

“Just my guess… and luck!” He said and then smiled again. “Shouldn’t we keep moving?”

I nodded and then took his hand as he offered it to me. We silently walked going home hand in hand, and that made me smile all the time we had to walk. I was trying not to look at him, but it would be a waste not to see his handsome face. It’s a rare opportunity to be walking with a stranger as strange and handsome as he is. I know I shouldn’t trust someone easily, but this guy just gives me that reassuring feeling that he’s a nice person.

“Here we are.” He announced.

When I looked before me and recognized the familiar view of our house I really got surprised.

“How did you—“

“I told you, I’m a good guesser.” He said.

I pulled away from his hold as I started to feel his strangeness overcome me.

“Who are you?” I asked as I started to slowly back away.

“I’m Jae Joon.” He said his name.

“J-Jae Joon?” I repeated and he nodded his head in agreement.

Then slowly he made his way too me until we were just inches apart. He leaned closer and then looked down on me and smiled. I stared at his eyes and I felt my heart suddenly beat like crazy.

Is he going to kiss me?

He lean down closer, and I felt his warm breath touch my face as he did. I closed my eyes as I tried to erase every unnecessary thoughts running in my head right now. And after several seconds I heard our doorbell rang.

I opened my eyes and saw him still smiling sweetly at me.

“I pressed the doorbell for you. Good night Sun Hee-ah.” He said.

“Sun Hee is that you?” I heard unni’s voice from inside.

The sound of the gate opening moved me away from my thoughts about Jae Joon and I looked back to see unni.

“Oh gosh! I thought something happened to you again!” She said and then she hugged me.

I pulled away from her slowly and then let out a faint smile.

“I-I just went out for some fresh air with a friend…. Actually he came here with me…” I said and then I spun around to see Jae Joon. “Unni this is Jae—“

But he was nowhere.

I looked here and there to see if he just hid somewhere and was playing a prank on me but I couldn’t find him.

 “Jae who? I don’t see anyone with you… and why are you wearing an unfamiliar coat? Is that from a new boyfriend?”



“But… he’s just here a while ago.”

He just disappeared like that.

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