You're My Reason

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It's here. Today is the day. I will be meeting the people I think about constantly, the people who have saved me.

I got up and saw I got a text from my cousin.

'Get up Brianna we got a concert to go to love'

I'm Brianna by the way.

' I know I'm up just getting ready, pick me up in 30minutes' I sent back.

I already took a shower and started blow drying my hair and that took forever because it's so long and curly.

After 15 minutes of that I put on a black crop to some denim shorts and converse. I put my hair in a waterfall braid type thing.

I heard a knock and went to the door.

"Leggo to San Fran",my cousin screamed a little to excited for 7 in the morning.

"Ahhh I'm so nervous, But I'm glad it's only 200 or so people" I said.

"Yeah me too just so I don't have to deal with Chloe bitches" oh wow Kim just out with it.

" *cough* Brittany *cough*" Brittany was my neighbor who was a year younger than me but thought she knew Emblem three more and only liked them for their looks.

"Haha exactly"

Once we got to SanFran we waited in line till 1 ish.

As we headed in I got a text from my friend Alyssa. We were pretty close even though she was a year older than me. We met when I was 15 and her 16 we've grown quite close over the past years. I'm now 17 and her 18. (Sorry I was just thinking about it I got the ages wrong haha.)

' Hey hope u have a great time'

'Thanx I'm srry u didn't get to come'

'It's fine I'll get over it 😕 send me pics'

I felt really bad that she didn't get to come. She's been depressed and not really socializing that much.

"Hey can you go get me a water?", my cousin Kimmy asked.

"Ugh fine"

I trudged off to go find her a water and get myself one as well.

I found this little shack that sold drinks. As I got my wallet out someone came up behind me. We were the only ones in line so it was silent.

"So are you here for the show", the guy behind me asked.

I turned around knowing the voice.

"Ugh- um- yeah I am I came with my cousin"

"Oh cool where are you guys from"

"Um Aptos" I saw a confused look on Keaton's face " It's about 45 minutes south of San Jose"

"Oh okay" it was kinda awkward, especially when I couldn't talk because the love of my life was standing right in front of me.

"So what's your name"

"Oh Brianna"

"That's pretty just like you", Omg DID KEATON FRICKEN STROMBERG JUST SAY I WAS PRETTY?!?

"Wow thank you are too- I mean not pretty cute and like hot but I mean ughhhh" I said putting a hand on my forehead and looking down blushing.

"Haha thank you"


"Um can I have your number and maybe we can hangout before we leave"

"Me" I choked out.

"Yes you"

"Well yeah I just don't understand why, I mean I'm not pretty, I'm really awkward and weird", I Said rambling.

"Hey your beautiful and I like girls who are weird an awkward they are like me" he grinned

Oh god that grin. Wait! He called me beautiful.

He grabbed my phone and put his number in and added me.

"Bye beautiful" he said while kissing my cheek and walking off.

I know it's short but it's just the first chapter comment and vote.😕❤️

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