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"WOOOOOO!!!!" For 200 people it was loud. They were so amazing I just can't wait for them to interact with them later and maybe go out to eat with them!!!!

"I can't believe Keaton asked for your number" my cousin yelled over the music.

"I know me either but for now I won't question it", and I won't either. I've had to many bad stuff go on with my life to question things right now. I just have to be happy.

After they finished they came out and started talking and hanging out with all of us. After 5 minutes of not knowing where the boys were I saw Wes walking toward us.

"Omg Bri He's coming over here and OMG he looks perfect". I guess my cousin saw too.

"Hey guys how did you like the show"

"It was so amazing. You guys are so talented"

"Thanks so what are your guys names"

"Um I'm Kimberly"

"That's a really pretty name" Wes says.

She put her head down and blushed "Thanks" something my cousin rarely does.

"I'm Brianna but everybody calls me Bri"

"Sweet so what are you guys doing after this" Oh god did I have to say this he might think I'm lying and I'm crazy.

Luckily Keaton came over.

"Hey Bri" He said while giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Wait this is Brianna" Wesley said with a wave of realization washed over his face.

"Um yeah" he said awkwardly.

"Oh my god he's been talking about you all night"

I blushed a deep red.

"No I haven't shut up Wes" he replied a little to quickly.

"So did you guys want to get food after this?" Keats let a small smile out while he was still blushing.

"Sure" Kim grinned from ear to ear.

"Great" Wesley grinned to. Omg I ship it. Maybe they will get together they would make a cute couple.

"K we'll see you guys later meet us at the back door in here and just say that we told you to meet them here k"

"K bye baby Keats" Omg did that slip out of my mouth. Ughhhh.

"I'm older than you"

"How do you know?" I snapped back.

"Because he stalked your Instagram" Wesley laughed and so did Kim.

"Oh god Wes will you shut up, I'll text you later let's go Wes"

Wesley just laughed.

Some girl came up to with a glare.

"You got Keaton's number"

Oh god was she a 'Chloe' which is a fan that likes them only for their looks and new songs.

"Um yeah before the show we were in line for water and he asked for it"

"Well you shouldn't talk to him and try to give all of us a chance"

Wow I'm getting frustrated.

"Well he came up to me and if it was anyone else I would be jealous yeah but happy for them, and it's not my fault believe me I wouldn't have guessed he would ask but he did so why don't you go back to your friends"

I don't know where I found the confidence but I did.

"New attitude Bri I like it"

I let out a sigh and continued my night very happy.

We met Wes and Keats at the back and we went to In N Out of course I could eat there all the time.

"Sooo Kim do you have a boyfriend" Drew says as we sit down to eat.

"Shut up Drew I called dibs already" Wes said smacking him over the head.

Kim blushed once again. Wow Wes you definitely have an effect on her.

"Haha no I don't "

"So immature" I speak.

"Yeah as you said that with a mouth full of food" Keats shoots.

"Hey I'm not immature I'm impolite"

"Truth and I've only known you for a day"

Oh yeah it feels like longer. I guess they're just that kind of people.

"So how has this tour been going it's almost over" I asked.

"Great it's awesome they are not to big of venues and less people so we could talk to them more" Drew smiled.

All the boys nodded in agreement.

"Damn I could eat In N Out all day" I laughed.

"Who couldn't" Keaton added.

"You would get so fat from it though" Kim said. Wes and Drew nodded in agreement.

"Oh God come on guys can't obsess over that stuff what if you died tomorrow and you didn't get to eat what you want that would suck" Keats said.

"Then I would know I died skinny"

We all laughed. It was such a good night. We all exchanged numbers and that was it.

On the way back I got a text. It read From KeatyKat ahh typical.

'Goodnight beautiful💕' I blushed immediately and smiled.


I soon fell asleep as the realization hit that I just hung out with Emblem Three.

Sooo ik it's not that good but who cares and it's not long but I'll work on that soo yeah stay rad or not I'm not rad but who cares 😈🔫💥😇 🔪😁💉

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