Sucks for you

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Me and Lyss went to Taco Bell and ate she let me just talk and that's just what I needed.

We went back to the Bon Fire to see almost everybody gone including the sluts. As we approached everybody Keaton came up to me.

"Bri please listen it didn't mean anything she kissed me and I just I'm so sor-"

"No you can't just kiss me say you like me then go have a makeout session with someone that's not how it works"

"Look I know it was messed up but please"

"I'm forgiving you but I'm not forgetting I'm glad we're friends though" I said putting Friends a little more harsh the the other things.

As I said that I saw him drop a little. Oh god now I'm a bad person. No your not you did what was right right?.



"Hey guys let's get moving cuz we need to get back"

"Oh yeah let's go"

As we approached the car I yelled "SHOTGUN"

"Ahhh man" Wes exclaimed

"She called it bro" Keats laughed

"Yeah yeah"

"Hey I'm gonna go sit in the back back with Drew the " Wes said because there was two rows of seats in the car.

"K dude"

Alyssa's Pov

Great I have to sit with Keaton, I mean I don't mind but he was a jerk to Bri. I get he was drunk but doesn't give him an excuse.

As we got seated Keats looked at me and mouthed that he wanted to talk to me when we got home. I nodded.

When we got home I asked "Hey can we skip the game tonight I'm kinda beat?"

"Yeah totally I'm kinda tired too night guys" Wes said yawning.

"Tyler you leaving?" Keats asked.

"Yeah Bro peace"

They did that nod thing and then he went over too me he kissed me on the cheek and I blushed.

"Bye babe" Oh god I'm blushing even more.

Everybody was looking at us weird except for Bri who was standing their fangirling. And let me tell you I was too!!

"Bye" I said shyly.

Once he walked out the door all the attention turned toward me. Ph go I hate attention like this.

"OMG does Alyssa have a boyfriend" Wes said in a girly voice"

"Oh shut up you ass"

"Aww your blushing!" Keats exclaimed.

I threw a pillow at him.

"That wasn't very nice" ,

"Yeah well should've thought about it huh" Oh god "well I'm gonna go to bed night" I looked at Keaton and he nodded knowing he had to talk to me.

"Yeah me too"

They looked between us and we just walked away into the room.

After we closed the door I said "ok so what do you need to tell me"

"Well when you saw me kissing that girl I was a little drunk but I didn't kiss her she kissed me and I pulled away I didn't even kiss her back I just pulled away and yelled at her but you guys saw what you saw but it wasn't the whole story you see so I just kinda wanted to tell you the truth and ask you to help me try and get Brianna back"

He said pretty much in one breath I'm guessing by the big Breathe he let out.



"Yeah I mean I believe you and I'll help you you have my number and I'll Atry to tell you stuff tomorrow when we get to the apartment K"


"Well goodnight" I got the blankets on the floor and laid down.

"You were serious about the floor weren't you"



"You know it"

I feel him rolling his eyes seeing he was on the bed and I couldn't see him.

"I know your rolling your eyes"

"Woah are you psychic"

"Good night"

"Haha Night"

Brianna's Pov

When I got to Wes's Room I laid on the ground and fell asleep immediately I was so tired.

I was in a peaceful sleep when I woke up to silly string getting sprayed on my face guess who did it?

Oh yeah that's right only Alyssa Nad Keats.

"What the hell you guys" But I was laughing at the same time.

"It's like 11 you needed to wake up we have to go to the apartment"

"Ughhh sorry I'm just so tired"

"It's cool not get your lazy ass up and get ready"

They left the room so I can get dressed and I put on a Maroon crop top and some Black high wasted shorts.

I gathered all my stuff up out on my Vans and went too the living room.

"So um thank you thanks for letting us stay here" I said as I approached everyone.

"Any time" Keats smiled at me sweetly.

All those feelings bubbled up. I couldn't deny it.

"So were gonna go thanks for letting us stay I'll text you the address some time when we get there so you know do you got your stuff Bri"

"Yeah how bout yours?"

"Mines in the car"

"Oh ok... well I'm ready when you are"


We gave all the guys hugs and they promised to visit soon. As we headed down the road all I could think about was how was I supposed to keep my feelings hidden? Or Does he really like me? and What was Him and Lyss talking about last night that seemed so important to him? All these thoughts ran through and I didn't even see us pull up to the apartment.

"YAYYY!!! Oh my gosh were here Bri!!"

"Oh wow cool YAYYY let's go"

"Hey you ok?"

"Yeah fine" No I'm not fine I am in love with a Boy that a million other girls are after.

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