Broken Beauties

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Prom Night

     The violin spoke her own words, with the help  of the man that tightly held her against his neck. Other instruments snuck their own words into the music, but the violin sang the loudest. Every corner of the ball room floor was filled with her voice. Ladies and gentleman, danced along with every line she sang.  Akane stood in front of the ball room doors. The music was loud enough to shake her human soul and fragile bones. This made her even more nervous. Her heart and emotions felt strung outwards, and away from her body. Her relaxing hands, quickly turn into sweaty palms. Fuka's hand presses against her  back, showing a strange sign of comfort. Comfort Akane needed right now. More than anything.

"Everything is fine." Fuka's voice slightly soothed Akanes nerves. 

Despite Fuka's attempts to help her friend, she stood still and stared at the grimy floor.  She knew how much this moment meant for her.  It was hard for Akane to participate in public surroundings.  

Knowing this, fuka speaks, "Remember when we were young? You swore monsters lurked in every closet. Till the day we open the closet doors." Her words tickled strings in Akane's heart, "What was behind the closet door? Nothing. You worked yourself up for nothing." 

This dance was nothing to Fuka. She didn't have to worry about first impressions. Her money talks for her and it spoke perfectly.  The moment she walks through the doors, she'll be greeted by hundreds.  Fuka knew her money was the only reason for her popularity and horribly despised it. Akane knew she meant well, but still couldn't bring herself to move.

"Give me some time. " Akane whispers, sorta hoping Fuka couldn't hear her. "My stomach kinda hurts."

Akane places her hands around her stomach, trying to play the part. Sadly,  Fuka knew this act all too well. Part of Akane knew she wouldn't get away with her lies. She had hoped Fuka would just pity her and leave her be. 

"I'll be waiting inside.", Fuka sounded defeated, as she walked up the stone stairs leading to the doors. Her heels smacked off the ground, giving them a more feminine sound.  " You better hurry, it looks like its gonna rain."   

And with that she had left Akane behind...

The second Fuka had left, silence overwhelmed her ears and forced her to focus on the slightest noises. The engines of running cars behind her, and the rustled sound of busy footsteps in front of her. Giggles and chuckles of excited people, as they rushed into the ball,  peek some jealousy in her mind.  She felt like she  didn't deserve happiness. All of this was too much for her self-conscious thoughts and breakable mind.  Maybe she should of went inside with Fuka. Her presents might force Akane to be sociable and willing to engage in activities. Tired of her own shutting thoughts, she places her stressed hand on her forehead. The sigh she had released from her panicked lungs, sounds choppy and not natural. 

"I can't do this.." She thinks with depression, "I don't belong here. This isn't me.. I don't deserve this."

The hand that covered her forehead,  shyly moved down to her elbow. She felt like an unteachable child. A child that could not be taught, to not fear the unknown or dark bedrooms.   She was a coward.  A coward that couldn't even show her face, during prom night. She should just walk away. Walk away from what could be her only chance, to find friends in high school. The thought of leaving and heading home gave her some comfort. 

"Just walk away..  No one will know." Thoughts besides her own pierced into her brain, giving her a chilling shiver. "Coward. Your nothing but a dirty coward.  No one needs you here." 

The voices that demanded answers took over her emotions, and left her a hollow mess of tears.  She felt helpless. Stuck in her own mind of worries and fears,  she ran.  She ran away from her own steel trap mind.  It was a desperate attempt of escape from her own constant torture. 

Torture that would follow her pain stricken mind, no matter how fast she ran.

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