5 Years

73 4 2

"Damn.." Akane grumbles under her breath.

She flipped the reasonable priced shampoo on the side to shun away the price tag. The grocery store felt cold and unwelcoming, but she forced herself to keep her eyes on the dirt cheap hygiene products.

College was a rude awakening for her. It was a fight for survival and she was losing. Crummy food, poor quality housing, expensive utilities and worst of all , shitty shampoo. It felt like yesterday when she was in high school, stressing about boys and whatnot. Sadly, she had to face cold reality and acknowledge that was 5 years ago.

"Sucks, huh?" William smirked. He lazily leaned up against the aisle, watching Akane fascinate about the good life.

William was Akane's older brother, who constantly had it out for her. He always insisted she was the favorite in the family and cause of that, he was lacking. Lacking in what? She didn't know. He never told her and Akane didn't really wanna know.

"Yeah. It really does." She grunts, refusing to place the shampoo back.

She knew what she had to do. She really wanted this shampoo. The craving she had for her hair to be luxurious and light, nagged at her.

Shamefully, she swallows her pride and asks, "Do you think you could help me out?"

The smirk on William's face turned into a ugly smile. He was waiting to hear his sister beg.

"No." His voice was high pitched and childish to tease Akane, "Who told you this was gonna be easy? You can't always expect people to hand you everything."

Akane rolled her eyes. She placed the shampoo down, hoping to stop William from rumbling on, but it was too late. He was waiting for this rare moment to blow off some steam on her, and she knew it.

"Its bad enough we share an apartment together." He added with a smug tone.

The apartment they had been sharing was small and crummy. Nothing about it screamed 'Home Sweet Home'. The walls had been stained yellow, which took Akane many hours to scrub out. The carpet was stoak with bacteria and termites had chewed whatever was left of the window banister. A strong constant stream of odor, purified the air. The strongest of air-fresher could barely stop the funk.

The neighborhood wasn't any better. Akane was forced to place a steel lock on the front door. Sure, it was a hassle unlocking every morning, but it helped with the late night break-ins. It wasn't a pleasurable experience and the stench that flowed from William's room didn't help.

Despite everything going against the apartment, Akane was able to 'Girly' it up. Placing sent candles, rugs, curtains, furniture, electronics, and the occasional hair band laying around the floor.

"Without me, that place would of fell apart by now." Defeated, she places the shampoo down.

William watches her with satisfaction. Proud his words had a effect on her.

Gleefully he says, "I'm not making you clean. You choose to do that."

It was true. As much as Akane hated to admit it, she had too. William wouldn't mind living in his own filth.

"Just have Fuka buy it for you." He jokes, "Her daddy probably has her shampoo made from diamonds or something."

She wasn't about to ask her friend for money. Fuka already had enough of that in her life.

Now pissed off, Akane snarls "whatever." and storms off.


She dragged the heavy laundry basket down the flight of empty stairs. The small grunts and whimpers, exposed her struggles. The quiet apartment building, increased every little sound. She swore William's work clothes where 15 pounds heavier than normal clothes.

"Stupid William." She growls, "Stupid Clothes!"

It was late night and she was stuck with laundry duty. Usually she didn't mind doing laundry, but this was different. The cleaning room was at the basement of the building complex. Traveling between the 5th floor to the basement was a great distance. Especially, when the bottom of the basket gets caught on every little piece of dirt.

Sweat forms on her head, causing it to be irritated with itches. Foolishly, she itches her head, leaving the heavy basket on the edge of the stair case. Before she could return her right hand back onto the basket, it became to heavy for her. Unable to keep the grip on her left hand, the basket escapes from her.


The basket lays at the bottom of the basement. Clothes was sprayed everywhere and on everything. The sight was almost depressing. Akane looks at the clothes with blank empty eyes. Blank eyes, which she closes painfully, before letting out a shattering sigh. Trying to stop her tears from reaching the world, she covers it up with the sounds of her heavy breathing.  

God, how badly she wanted to throw herself on a bed. Any bed.. It didn't matter if it was hers or not. Her skull begged for a soft pillow and her skin demanded the silkiness of blankets. She wasn't motivated to collect the dirty clothes. She wasn't motivated to do anything, but sleep. 

Sick and distasteful words sizzle out of her mouth. "Fuck it." 

Her feet make loud booming thumps, as she storms back up the stairs. She left the clothes behind her, refusing to make any second looks. She didn't care about that anymore. Right now the important mission was her bed. 

"Fuck it! Fuck that! Fuck them! Fuck him! F-" Her short tantrum was suddenly cut short.

A container of shampoo leaned up against her apartment door. The bottle was pink with a red bow on the lid.  The presence of the bow stood extremely out of place. The background of the grungy apartment became a blur, as the container radiated it's surroundings.  Her tantrum and storming off session, had ended as soon as it had started. She reaches for the bottle and examines it. 

Fuka? William? No.. There is no way. William is too selfish and Fuka had no idea of the shampoo. Something was strange. The shampoo bottle felt smoother than the one at the store.  It was perfectly package and pampered. It felt and looked better than the one at the store

Was it the right one? Yes.. it was..but how? 

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