Emotionless Angel

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The heels she ran in, quickly wore down and became a unbearable comfort. The soreness from her feet grew to her shins. The muddy leftover rain that had rested on the sidewalk stuck to her running heels and flung upwards toward the back of her dress, making her skin feel itchy and cold. The night air stung her lungs with each quicken breath she took. Her nose was full of sniffles to cover up the sound of her cries. She felt dirty, but strangely the night had felt dirty altogether.

The main road that was once filled with the sounds of honking horns and busy car tires, was quiet. The prom that Akane had ran away from attracted everyone's attention. It was almost unnerving to see the road empty and open. The presents of the road slowed Akane's feet. She no longer felt like running, her body had enough of that.

"Stupid..Stupid" She muttered under her breath.

She didn't want this. Oh how bad she wanted this night to be perfect. Nothing could beat her down any farther than what she already was. She begins to replay what had happened and how she could change it. Those thoughts spiraled into even darker thoughts. She started questioning herself. How could she change herself, Could she even? Or was she just too pathetic.  Part of her deeply regret running away, while the other felt relief and deluded. Despite this she kept walking, farther from the prom and deeper into the empty city. Eventually she would come across a rusty old bridge.

This bridge separated the city life from country life and stood old, but tall. The Murky water beneath it, bubbled and splashed mysteriously. It wasn't a secret the water in the city wasn't clean. Green soapy film floated to the top of the surface and smelled somewhat like meat. Seeing this, Akane darts her eyes away from the water and focused on the bridge floor. Her depression forced her to take comfort in the gross water and cold air.

Her eyes were so fixed on the cracked cement ground, she almost missed the slim outline of a man. The quicker Akame walked, the outline slowly turned into a figure. She was overran with curiosity and her body was fueled by it.

"A man?" Akane thinks. Her thoughts reply to her with irritation. "Yeah. What else could it be?"

He stood on the edge of the bridge. His eyes stared blankly beneath him. His arms dangled lifelessly next to his slangy body, while his head was slightly tilted to the side. The streetlights barely caught his appearance. He looked as if he were entrance with the water under him. The jeans he wore were torn and wet towards the bottom.  His shirt tightly hugged his broad chest and wide shoulders. The shape of his well fit body, distracted Akane from his face. It was strong and sharp. The night couldn't hide his precise jawline or his darken eyes.  His feet barely peek off the edge,  intensifying the atmosphere.

Sweat quickly formed on Akane's forehead. Her brain rang with pressured nervous thoughts. The human soul wanted to reach out for this man and push him away from his doom. Every fiber in her body connected to her mind, and screamed out to say something.  Despite this she stood dead quiet. The man did not notice her. He stood completely still, waiting for the right moment. 

"Say something! Say something!!!"  Akane's mouth opens, ready to boom out any words that came to mind!

"H-hey!" Her voice did not come out as confident as she wanted it too. If anything, she had embarrassed herself. Her brighten cheeks spoke out for her. 

The mans head quickly whips to the side, causing Akane to jump slightly.  The choked voice had startled him.  She had gotten his attention so fast, that she realized she hadn't thought this far. She opens her mouth once more, desperately trying to spit out dry words. She almost felt like a fish gasping for water or a dog begging for a treat. 

His eyes lay on her wore out face, for several minutes as she struggled. In confusion, his bushy eyebrow gently raised up. This girl was strange to him. She looked dolled up, but yet torn apart. Her dress was fancy, but ripped up. Her hair was perfectly in place, but damaged and strung out. The makeup that had been precisely put in place, was smeared across her eyes. He looked upon her with the up most confusion and curiosity. 

"I'm sorry.." She spoke. The man's ears perk up, suddenly becoming lively. "I'm not good with words." Her face was bright with emotions. "I'm the last person to openly speak, but i can't just stand here and let you do this!!" Akane's voice raises with sudden firmness. She had no idea what she had gotten herself into. She looked at the ground shyly, unsure what to do next.

"Did this girl think i was gonna-" The man stopped his own thoughts, and his eyes widen. A unearthly smirk slithers from his mouth as he places a hand on the bridge of his nose. He had hoped his hand would block his chuckles.  "How embarrassing." The voices in his skull speak again, "Let's toy with her" 

He slid his hand off his face and place it back at his side, letting out a powerful sigh. Akane had a hand full of her own dress. She played with it between her fingers. The man studied her for a second before looking back down at the water. The transition from the disgusting water to the beautiful girl that stood inches from him, made his stomach turn. 

"Angel" He finally spoke

 His voice grabs Akane's attention almost immediately. His voice was firm and deep and it surprised her greatly. She stops playing with her dress and stares at his face,  examining it with a large amount of detail. 

"That's my name.. Angel" The man said emotionlessly.  The sound of his chest expanding with hiccups of air, almost canceled out the noises of the rain. Giving Akane an uneasy feeling.

"That's my name." He says again, this time his voice broken into small parts, but was still large enough to scare her. "Please remember it" 

He raises his head upwards and looks up at the heavens. His arms expand out from his sides, and positions himself to jump. Slowly his darken eyes disappear behind his eyelids. The thought of the panic girl quivering in fear , gave Angel a evil smirk again.  Chuckles that had not yet been let loose, tickle his chest.  

The tickling in his chest and the smug smirk on his lips, were abruptly snapped out of his body. Akane's small hands had grabbed Angel's wrist and jerked him off the edge. He was taken by surprise by the girl's sudden strength.   His feet stumble and his knees fell from under him. The sudden action momentarily confused Angel's balance, and caused him to fall hard. Akane quickly wraps her thin arms around his large torso, and attempts to soften his fall.  Unfortunately, her hands weren't quick enough to catch him from hitting the ground, and grabbed his head instead. Without thinking she pushes his head closer to her, in a desperate attempt to stop him from falling altogether.   His face was now pressed up against her disfigured silky dress and cushioned by her breast. She was panicking, her chest vigorously shook with short breaths.

Both of them were dead silent. Akane's fingers were tightly entwined with Angel's black hair. His breath warmed her collarbone and shoulders. Angel's eyes widen with surprise, but swiftly  soothe with comfort and warmth. His scalp tingles with sensation under her fingers and his face was in bliss. His body was over taken by a pleasurable feeling. Pleasure that had beamed off Akane and into Angel's emotionless heart. The sent of her hair dominated his senses and left him shaken.  The unavoidable gaping hole, that was permanently stabbed into his chest, felt full.  Akane's heart pounding unwillingly. She started to realize the condition she was in.  Angel, who had been overwhelmed with this new feeling, smashes himself deeper into her chest.

Akane pushes herself upwards with the help of her legs. Politely and mildly, she shoves Angel off and brushes her dress clean. The look of humiliation spread all over her face. Her awkwardness was visually exploited, and she felt ashamed of it. Angel remained on the ground looking up at her with high-spirited eyes. He calculated every movement she made and concentrated on them. 

Akane knew no matter what she could say would fix this moment. She had no idea of the real intentions Angel really had. Her shy timid nature wouldn't let her speak out. 

Without saying a word, she walks away. 




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