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jimin was surprised to see another note stuck to his door when he arrived back at the small dorm room.

like, really cute. dateable cute. - y

apparently this stranger was prepared with notes prewritten. the pink haired boy smiled at the sight of those words. it has been long since someone admitted they had a crush on him, the last time was somewhere in high school, and he didn't remember it feeling so amazing as it did right now.

he took the note of the door and went back to his room, shoving it into one of the wooden bedside drawers. jimin picked up a pen and began to make his unfinished assignments as a time killer until seokjin came home so they could gossip together about the reappearing sticky notes.

the pink haired boy shot up at the sound of keys turning in the door lock, and like a puppy, he shot up to greet his friend.

"jinnie! how was class?," jimin stood there smiling, his mood was probably brought up a few tones by those notes.
jin was also in a good mood, setting his shoes aside with a huge grin on his face.

"well, i sat next to namjoon the entire lecture, so that's a plus," jin happily said, letting jimin make out a chuckle. those two had been crushing on each other for weeks now, and still nothing had happened.

"but what about you mister pink haired boy from apartment 124, i saw the note, any idea who this person may be?" jin poked the youngers arm.

"well i know their name starts with an y, but nothing more. i don't even know if they're a dude or not,"

"oh they are, another note is added,"

jimins eyes, whom where first glued to his hands while he was playing with his fingers, have now shot up to jin in unbelief. "really?"

seokjin nodded, and before he knew, his roommate had shot out of the door. it was only one pair of stairs down so he'd be back in a minute anyway. he just stood there smilingly, cause he could already see his friend freaking out over the message.

jimin arrived down stairs, out of breath, he walked up to the board, seeing the old note had been removed, but on the exact same place a new one was added;

ah i saw you also found the note i stuck on your dorm room. anyways, to answer your question, yes i'm a guy. you're in luck. or i am, since you're so amazingly handsome and maybe this'll start something. who knows.
                                   - y

jimin stupidly smiled out of happiness. the person writing these really is crushing hard on him.

he wanted to write his own note untill he noticed a second one besides it.

how about we exchange numbers hm? let me start:

47 .. .. ..

the rest you'll get someday soon. :)
have a great day, beautiful!
                           - y

jimins cheeks where now flushed with a bright pink blush as he bit down on the end of the ballpoint pen. he plucked off the sticky notes, stuffing the first in his pocket, and adding the first two digits of his own number below with a short message.

im in luck indeed. and thanks for the compliments, stranger, really made my day a fuck ton brighter (are you against cursing btw? i curse a lot)
i wonder if i've ever seen you around, maybe i think you're just as beautiful as you say i am x

he let go of the pen, and again pierced the paper to its place, walking away with a smile, which was stupidly turned to the ground, so it probably looked like he just really liked the laminated floors.

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