f o u r

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"hyung! we really got to go!" jungkook kept pulling at the older boys sleeve, begging him to leave, afraid they'll miss their class.

"in a minute, kookie, gotta find y" jimin said, clinging his note between the chubby fingers connected to this hand, scanning around the chow down, hoping to spot someone looking at him, but no one was looking up. everyone was just enjoying their breakfast and chatting up with their companions.

after finding nobody, he decided to go up to the counter and do the stupidest thing ever. ask his waiter.

of course his waiter wouldn't know who the fuck y would be and why the fuck he'd give him a random note a boy who looked like a toddler would give him but he could try, and so he did.

the servant he'd recognize from before smiled as he saw the cheeky boy come up to the counter, leaning his upper body against it.

"hello.." jimin went to look at the name tag his waiter wore, "yoongi, cute name by the way, do you happen to know about the people who come here?"

"for a matter of, fact i do," he smiled at the boy who he labeled as his crush, jimin had no idea of course, he was just innocently making conversation with the server from before, hoping to hand y his note.

"great, do you know about a guy who's name starts with the letter y? around the same age as me, goes to college nearby?"

probably cute as hell, too

yoongi showed a mix between a thankful smile and smirk, having a premonition the note probably was destined for him.

who else would jimin bring notes anyways?

"i think i actually know who you're talking about, i'll hand it to him," the blond boy said, fixing his apron before being hand over the note by a boy who was glowing of excitement.

"thanks yoongi, i wish i could hug you right now but i'd be weird to hug my waiter," jimin joked, before waving goodbye and thanking for the meal.

but oh, did yoongi wish he did hug him.

"taehyung-ah! hurry up! i wanna be in class before jimin!" yoongi let out hastily, pulling on his pinafore, waving with one of his familiar bright pink papers in front of his slightly younger friend, who was already done with all of yoongis frills, but proceeded do to support his stupidly romantic tendencies cause, well, he had to. yoongi was his friend, and even tho sometimes he didn't want to, he loved his hyung and was there to help him at all times.

so they ran off from work, quickly checking out, and running to his class. jimin always sat a couple rows in front of him. yoongi liked sitting all the way in the back, cause he could sneakily listen to some tunes trough his headphones and wouldn't be distracted a lot.

the boys arrived huffing and puffing, taehyung went to the place he and yoongi usually sat, and yoongi went up to jimins place. luckily, he hadn't arrived yet, many people hadn't yet actually.

yoongi read over the note a couple times, before placing it on his crushes desk, exactly in the middle. he had stolen a little mint from work they usually give away for free after dinner, and placed it at the corner of the paper, smiling at how he made it look aesthetically pleasing, and went back to his desk, telling tae the deed was done.

it took a couple of minutes before jimin arrived to class, followed by the boy from before, they were laughing about a joke the dark haired had said, making yoongi smile, cause, jimin smiled, and that was enough to make yoongi smile. he looked at jimins cute facial expressions reading the note he wrote.

when jimin started to look around while unwrapping the candy, almost snapping yoongi staring at him, who ducked down just in time, pretending to write down something, even though class hadn't even started yet.


y e e t
another chap cause i felt like it,
this one s pretty lame but kinda
cute??? i'll try to spice it up more

- maria

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