She Is Always Your Sister First!!!

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Hello friends... How are you all??? How your doing fine and I'm still unwell but will try to give the best I can today... Enjoy reading and thanks to whoever voted for me.... And making this story reach on 106th position... Hope you will keep supporting me...


Arnav and Swara both were in the floor crying with Swara had her head down and Arnav was cupping her face and wiping away her tears... Khushi goes and gets a glass a water... She sits down beside them and caresses Swara's hair... Swara immediately looks at her and then holds her hand...

"Bhabhi... I... I... Didn't... Bhaiyu... I... Ignore.... Sorry... " Swara again starts crying...

Khushi nods her head in understanding and then makes her drink the water... Arnav curses himself and feels guilty for bringing his doll in this condition...

" Doll... You didn't do anything... It's all my fault... You never... I'm sorry doll... It's just my stupid illusion... Plz... So stop crying... " Arnav says while hugging her...

Sanskar who till now was standing quietly at the door seeing Swara in such condition with moist eyes decides to step in...

Sanskar wipes his tears and comes in as if he is unaware about all this... "Swara... Come on..." he stops in his way and shows as if he is shocked...

As soon Swara, Khushi and Arnav hear Sanskar they compose themselves... Arnav and Swara wipes their tears... Both stand while Khushi gives him a knowing look as she had seen him standing at the door... He gives her a painful smile...

When he reaches Swara seeing her red puffy eyes his heart squeezes in his heart... He cups her face "Heartbeat... What happened??? Were you crying???

Swara manages a smile and hold his hands and nods her head in a no... She looks at Arnav but could not gather courage to look into his eyes directly... Sanskar looks at Khushi and gestures her to take Swara with her... Khushi understands...

"Baby doll come lets go... We will go to home after stopping at the ice cream parlour... " she takes her hand and without even waiting for her reply she starts walking towards the door but not before giving an assuring look to Arnav and Sanskar...


Arnav goes and sits on the couch with his head in his hands... Sanskar his near him and sits next to him...

"You know Arnav... I always have felt jealous from you... Because Swara has always loved you more than anything in this world... And I even understood that it is because I've entered her life afterwards... But you have been with her since the time her life has begun..." Arnav quietly listens but doesn't say anything...

"Even though she stays in our home but he day starts by seeing your photo... Your always there in whatever conversations we have and you know whenever she doesn't have college she tries to learn all your favorite dishes from Maa... Even after repeated denials from all of us she says she wants to learn it for you... " listening all this was meaning him more guilty...

" I know Arnav you are feeling insecure and may be I'm responsible for this... But it was never my intention Arnav... And I'm really sorry sorry... But I can assure you that you were, you are and you will only be Swara's first priority... And I'm more than happy with it because this is what gives happiness to my heartbeat and I always want only her happiness... " Arnav was listening to everything very intently...

Arnav for the first time in so long looks at Sanskar but without any emotions on his face while Sanskar continues..."Arnav even after getting married when you have managed your responsibilities so well then you need to believe in your sister also... She is trying her best to give everyone her time... She may be a wife and a daughter-in-law now but she is always your sister first... "

"Arnav for me and Khushi you and Swara will be our first priority but we know that for both of you, you two are each others priorities but the most important thing is that it doesn't effect the love you two have for us... We have our own places in your lives and hearts... And there is one thing I can assure you that never ever feel insecure at least because of me... I will never take your place in Swara's life cause I own one... "saying this he goes from there...


Khushi silently walks next to a gloomy Swara who seemed to be in her own world... Khushi stops in front of the ice cream parlour but Swara keeps walking... Khushi holds her hand jerking her from her thoughts...

Swara looks at her questioningly... Khushi gestures towards the parlour but then Swara denies... But then Khushi drags her inside...

They get settled and Khushi orders Swara's favorite... Then Khushi decides to speak... " Baby doll first of all stop thinking so much... None of today's incident is your fault... You very well know how overprotective your Bhaiyu... He is just behaving childishly... Everyone knows how much he means to you so stop blaming yourself and he will understand that he and Sanskar both are important to you... Even Sanskar deserves your time now and I promise you everything  will become normal..."  Swara forwards her hand among for a promise... "promise..." Khushi mutters keeping her hand on her hand... "And now lighten your mood with this ice cream..." Saying this she feeds her the ice cream...


Precap: "Gudiya... Your coming back with me to our house..."  Arnav says to Swara leaving Swara and Sanskar shocked...

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