Chapter one

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Nervously, her coffee coloured eyes glanced around the chaotic classroom where small children ran circles all over the place and lapped the tables wildly. Miss Williams was too lazy to take proper care of the class and was preoccupied with her gossip magazines to glance up, for less than a second, and check that nobody was on fire. So, this class was untamed and, as long as the noise level wasn't too loud to disrupt Miss Williams' reading, they could do whatever they wanted. Camila just liked to fill in her colouring book or doodle in her notebook; sometimes the occasional arts and crafts. There wasn't much a five-year-old desired to do by themselves considering she hadn't made any friends so occupying herself was hard. All the boys played with cars or liked to play fight one another which Camila didn't like to do. All the girls, that Camila tried to befriend, were mean to her for a reason she didn't know. They would whisper to each other, then point and laugh at Camila trying to provoke a response. Yet, she would just hold her head high and try to ignore their slyness. Sometimes, they would say horrible things to her like 'ugly', 'stupid cow' or something along the lines of a child's insult. She tried not to let it get to her but when she couldn't take the bullies' words and it got too overwhelming for her, she would run off to the bathroom -where no one was- and cry her little eyes out.

Excitedly, Camila took out her newly-bought crayons from her pink backpack and started to shade in a picture of a castle with a dark velvet. Camila was minding her own business, clutching the red crayon in her right hand, trying to keep within the thick black lines on the paper whilst swirling her long, brown hair around her finger. Her happiness soon was cut short because a blonde haired girl marched over with her friends pacing behind her swiftly.

"Hey Camila," Debbie Jones greeted with a mocking tone of voice and smiled tauntingly as she seated herself on the chair next to the timid brunette. "What's this?" The light haired girl picked up the pack of crayons and before Camila could snatch them back, she jumped from her seat.

"Give them back!" Camila yelled, mounting to her feet and trying to grab her belongings from Debbie. The blonde haired girl laughed at Camila's attempt at trying to stick up for herself. She ripped crayons from their packaging and chucked a couple to her friends whilst they all sniggered evilly at Camila's powerlessness in this moment of time. "Please don't hurt them, they're new." Camila whimpered with a frown as she lowered her head. Yet, that didn't stop Debbie and her friends from snapping her crayons into, not just half, but into unfixable pieces. The brunette's face dropped and she felt as if her heart had been torn apart. The mean girls chuckled, pulled their tongues out, threw the remaining bits of crayon onto the floor and dashed off without saying another word.

A bell rang signalling all the children to go outside for recess, so Camila darted to the secluded corner of the large playground and sat with her knees tucked into chest whilst tears poured from her eyes. She hated those girls, she didn't understand why they picked on her. She never did anything to them, heck, she hadn't even talked to them until they decided to be horrible to her. Once they began saying stuff about her, it was hard for her to make friends with people in the class. Camila became content with having no friends, even her mother got increasingly concerned about her lack of socialisation with people her age.

"Hello?" A voice spoke out as Camila lifted her head from her knees, then quickly wiped her stained cheeks when she saw a black haired girl with piercing green eyes shuffle closer to her. "I-I'm Lau-Lauren, and I saw what those mean girls did, they're so nasty" The girl flashed a friendly yet pitiful smile but Camila continued to stare uncertainly. "Here, I wa-want you to have these." The raven-haired girl revealed her hidden hand from behind her back and handed Camila a fresh pack of crayons.

"Really?" Camila gasped excitedly, jumping to her feet and glaring at the crayons in Lauren's shaking hand. She nodded firmly as Camila squeaked happily, took the packet of stationary, then engulfed Lauren into a massive hug, which made her blush profusely. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

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