Chapter eighteen

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"I was going to walk home from the Winter Formal Dance, then I just got in the car and... well one thing led to another..." she shamefully mumbled as she sighed with embarrassment whilst her three best friends all stared at her with complete shock, "and we ended up kissing."

"Normani!" Dinah gasped as Ally nearly fainted from Normani's confession. "You said you'd never go there with Zack."

"I was lonely, okay?" She protested, lifting her hands up in defence, "it was a one-time thing, I'd rather kiss a thousand girls than ever kiss him again." She rolled her eyes, resting her hands on the table before adding, "well, that's my confession over, so, on to bigger problems; the cake sale. Since I'm part of the student council, I need to each of you to bake a batch of cakes or muffins."

Suddenly, Camila stared at Normani after she said that, her leg beginning to bounce at a rapid pace, she fidgeted with her fingers and she swallowed nervously. Was she hinting at something? How would she even find out? Did Lauren tell her? Why would Lauren tell her? Was she even hinting at what happened between them two?

"I'll make muffins," Ally sighed, raising her hand lousily.

"I pick cupcakes," Dinah chirped with excitement then added, "that leaves you with brownies, Camila."

The paranoia would kill her, she couldn't relax ever since it happened and not talking to Lauren about it only made her more uncomfortable. Absurdly, she mounted to her feet with surprise, excusing herself from the lunch table and sprinting to the toilets. She couldn't breathe, was she going to have another panic attack? She needed to calm down. It wasn't the first time she experienced this type of worry, she even had people believe she was a lesbian in middle school, but she wasn't, like she always reminded herself. She was totally into Shawn, she could never be a lesbian. As she rushed into the toilets, Lauren had spotted her in a flustered mess, escaping the lunch hall so she decided to follow Camila. When she noticed the brunette entering the female bathrooms, she paused outside, taking a shaky breath in before continuing through the door, full of nerves. Preoccupied, Camila hadn't noticed her yet, instead, she was muttering to herself and trying to control her breathing but she knew the more she focused on it, the more erratic her respiring became.

"Hey," Lauren greeted calmly, putting forward her confidence and suppressed any nerves trying to take over her body. When Camila saw Lauren, she froze, her chest tightening instantly before the green-eyed girl continued, "so, is tutoring session still on for tonight?"

"Y-y-yes," the brunette managed to spit out, placing her hand on her forehead, her face becoming as pale as the bathroom walls.

"You look unwell," Lauren stated with concern seeping through her voice. "Is everything okay?"

As she opened her mouth to reassure Lauren she was completely fine, she fainted to the floor. Her body slowly switching off and dropping like a feather onto the ground of the bathroom which triggered Lauren to speed over to her and pick her body up. Without a second thought, she scooped the passed out girl into her arms then stumbled towards the nurse's office, yet the stares and whispers sank under her skin. She hated the way people stared with shock as she held Camila in her arms; she wasn't sure if people were staring with concern for Camila's wellbeing or because of the way Lauren held Camila in her arms was shocking for people. Either way, she didn't like the attention so she pushed herself to move quicker and soon she busted through the office where the nurse was sat tiredly, gazing over the school's newspaper. The nurse jumped from her seat, her shocked light grey eyes expanding from the surprise and when seeing the passed out girl in Lauren's arms, she pointed to the examination bed which Lauren quickly settled her down on. Stuttering and stammering, she explained the events that led to Camila collapsing whilst the nurse quickly examined her, placing the back of her hand on her forehead then checking her pulse. Soon, she explained that Camila would be fine, she just needed to rest for a little bit and it was probably due to stress or lack of energy that she had fainted. Although Lauren wasn't satisfied with that conclusion yet she had to trust the nurse and she patiently waited by seating herself on the end of the bed that was free. A few minutes later, the nurse had rushed out again when a student knocked and told her about a child who sprained their ankle during a football game. Silently, Lauren waited, swinging her legs back and forth lightly and resting her head against the wall. Every minute would pass by slowly whilst Lauren kept glancing from the clock to random spots around the room. She worried about what had caused Camila to faint. Was it her? Was it the extra hour of tutoring sessions that wore her down? Did Lauren just add unnecessary stress?

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