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"Just a little bit more mascara," she applied the gunk on your lashes and made a popping noise. "Done!" she chirped, You finally smiled and looked in the mirror. You looked beautiful

"Wow, thanks, Nancy," you breathed out, she only smiled and held your shoulders.

"A 50s retro look, with a touch of modern." she laughs, you giggled, but become very nervous.

"What if he doesn't ask me? Should I ask him? What if he says 'no'?" I say frantically, she holds my shoulders and smiles, 

"Look, Dustin would be stupid not to notice you, makeup or not." she smiles warmly you nod.

"Thanks, Nance," You hugged her tightly. There was a knock on your door. Will stood proudly, with flowers Johnathan stood next to him. 

"I got these for you," Johnathan handed the flowers to Nancy. Will handed the flowers to you as well,

"They were on sale," he said, you laughed and took them. Will looked you over and smiled,

"Dustin, would be nuts not to notice you," he blushed, you smiled warmly as you walked to Johnathan's car. He drove you guys to the snowball, butterflies flew around in your stomach. Finally, you arrived and you went your separate ways, you only wanted to check in with your friends for a bit. You spotted him

Dustin walked around going from girl to girl hoping to get someone to dance with. It hurt that he didn't even think to consider you. You liked him for a very long time, you've been friends for even longer. Even if he didn't ask you in a romantic way, you would still dance with him to lift his spirits. You lingered around awkwardly but realized it was a slow song almost everyone was on the dance floor. You were going to have fun even if it wasn't with Dustin. All you needed was a partner to dance with and pretend he was Patrick Swayze. You spotted Will again, He looked at Cathy, a girl he's liked for a while, she was standing alone with nobody. You walked over to him.

"Will?" He looked up at you and smiled.

"Yeah?" He asked glancing back at Cathy.

"Code J?" You asked he smiled and nodded quickly grabbing your hand. Code J stood for code jealousy which is where two people in the party pretend to have the time of there life to make certain people jealous. You held his shoulders as he gripped your waist. You both stole glances at your interest. Will knew about your feelings for Dustin, he was easy to talk to that way.

"Laugh they're looking!" Will joked, you giggled and shook your head.

"We are such Dweebs Will," he only smiled, glanced at Cathy and pulled you closer. "She's looking," you whispered, he nodded.

"I know, and Dustin...wait where'd he go?" Your eyes darted around the room and you found him crying sitting on the bleachers. Your heart fell, oh no poor Dustin. You were snapped out of your thoughts when someone tapped your shoulder. Cathy smiled,

"Could I take this dance?" She said shyly, Will grew nervous as your smile grew wide. You nodded, winking at Will. As you left the two Dustin caught your eye again.

"Mouthbreather!" Someone giggled in your ear, You turned around, shocked to see El.

"El! What are you doing here!?" You hugged her admiring her outfit.

"I was with Mike and I saw you." Her cheeks turned pink."I-I kissed him." She whispered, her eyes were clouded with young love. You smiled.

"Awww, El I missed it." She laughed but grew serious, her eyes drifted to Dustin. She frowns, she was the first person who knew about your feelings for him, she could keep a secret.

"Dustin, he's crying?" she asked, you nodded crossing your arms and looking down. "Because he couldn't dance with you?" she asked, you smiled and laughed.

"Not really El, other girls said 'no' that's why" you explained, she gave you a sorry look. 

"Hey, girls enjoying the dance?" Nancy's voice appeared, El smiled and nodded. You hummed and nodded as well, "Go talk to him," she pushed, you frowned. She fixed a strand of hair and pushed you across the floor, "Go!" she laughed, you grew some balls and walked towards Dustin. 

"Dustin?" You asked, he wiped his tears and looked up at you. His eyes went wide and he did a double take. Dustin stood up quickly nervously looking you over.

"Y-You look amazing Y/n," he said his cheek a faint pink you blush and looked down. 

"Thanks, Dustin, you look great as well," You say motioning to his hair, he smiles bashfully and sighed out.

"No, but you look...really, really beautiful. Just...beautiful," he said his eyes were not focused on what you had on, he was making eye contact, his eyes still a bit glossy. You looked down, you could see Dustin's hand inched closer to yours, he was very hesitant. You saved him the stress and locked your fingers with his. You looked up and met his soft eyes. 

"Mr. Henderson," You said curtsying with your dress, he smiled and bowed. "Would you do me the honor and share this dance with me?" You asked he nodded slipping his arm around you. You smiled as Time after Time came on. You didn't dance like most of the other kids, instead of placing your hands on his shoulders you wrapped your arms around his neck as he held you close. You could see Nacy smiling in the corner of your eye. You smiled and held Dustin tightly enjoying the moment. After swaying he began to spin you in all different directions. By the end, you were a laughing mess. After the dance he rode you home on his bike, telling Steve to just go home. You guys talked and laughed, as you made it to your house you give him a quick kiss on his cheek, but instead of leaving he pulled you close.

"Is it okay if I kiss-" It was too late

Your lips were already on his.

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