Awakened and Set Free

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I first met you in the dark
My heart was pounding and my mind was racing

‎ But you saw none of that
You took me in, like a child.
‎Saw that I was starved and made me full

‎Felt that I was cold and made me warm 
You released me from Hell
Like Heaven's Gate,

your lips opened for me like a doorway to Paradise
‎your Whispers reminded me that I wasn't dreaming.
Your skin left me soaked with your essence

Wet from desire
The sound of your voice made my spirit quiver

The brush of your lips against my neck made my Earth quake.
You awakened me
You  Embraced me and held me steady,

‎like a mountain Against the Wind.
‎Just lying next to you made me feel free again

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2018 ⏰

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