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Here you are again
Back in my life, in my house
Why did you come back?

It's not summer
When you're a part time dad
Did you miss me, us?

I think I love you
I just don't like seeing you,
Were we ever close?

You were there long ago
Back when I was still a child
And controlled by fear

Your voice was like fire
And your hands like burning ice
Discipline only

Maybe love as well
Still I was scared of you
Didn't want you around

I know you meant well
Just doing the best you could
That's what you say

I'm 17 now
You forgot my birthday
The day you became
A father

But now you need us
You don't want to be alone
I don't need you

Hurts feeling this way
It's taking some time to remember that it's not my fault
Maybe I'm overreacting

You want to start again
But I can barely start a

You're too late now
I felt this way as a child
But I love you still

I just don't need you...

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