Chapter Three

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Allison’s P.OV

It was gloomy. Too gloomy for my liking. As the black figure hurriedly sidled from one area to another, I discretely followed; unaware of what’s yet to come. Voices sounded from the distance. With each one of my steps, the voices getting louder and clearer. My father comes into view and I am relieved to see him. I call out for him and there’s no reply. I call out for him again, my voice getting louder each time. He gets into his car after carefully observing his surroundings. He can hear noises, I can hear them too but I don't know where it's coming from. He drives out of the drive way and just as he makes a really sharp turn as if he is running from something; a car comes speeding in his direction. Colliding right into my fathers car, the opponent’s vehicle was still able to speed away. Glass shattered everywhere, and my father’s car hit the building, flipping in the process.


The shrill of my scream echoes throughout the empty streets. It was cold and I was alone. My sobbing became frantic as a loud, frightening laugh boomed through the empty streets.

“Daddy no…” I whispered quietly, the gentle wind sweeping my weak words away.

Sirens sounded in the distance. People came into view. There were so many of them. My body felt heavy and weak. My brain was screaming at me to keep my eyes open but I couldn't control myself anymore. It was too late. Everything had happened so fast. I couldn't stop it...

“Wake up Ally!”

The rapid shaking of my body awaked me. My eyes widened, frantically in search of a thread of reality to grasp onto. My breathing was heavy and uneven. Sweat beads rolled down my forehead as my body shook slightly.

“You’re okay sweet heart. You’re with me and you’re safe."

I glanced up at my brother as he squeezed me tightly, welcoming my tears. I cried until my throat was dry and my eyes could weep no more. Despite my horrifying state, Brent stayed by my side until I surrendered to the warmth of my bed and fell asleep.


Brent’s P.O.V

 I woke up to a really loud scream. I didn’t even give time for myself to think of the situation as I hastily soared out of my bed and ran straight into Ally’s room. She looked vulnerable. Clutching onto her blanket tightly, Ally lay there asleep. Shivering and crying.

“Wake up Ally!” I yelled in a state of horror. My hands gripped her shoulders roughly as I shook her in an attempt to wake her up.

She looked up at me with wide eyes, like a deer caught in headlights. She buried her head into my chest and wept.

“You’re okay sweet heart. You’re with me and you’re safe." I assured her, causing her to tightly grab on to my shirt.

She wept until sleep had overcome her. The sound of her sobbing caused my heart agonising pain. This is all because of my father’s death. That is what has been haunting Ally since he was murdered and unfortunately, it happened before our eyes. If I ever had the chance to change something that has happened in the past, it’d be exactly that. If my father was destined to die, I’d rather he died much more peacefully and not in front of Allison. Heck, I’d rather he not die at all. Pondering over the traumatising event worsened the aching pain in my heart. My eyes let out the tears that were threatening to leave ever since he died. 

Allison’s P.O.V

 The sounds of the chirping birds awakened me earlier than usual this morning, making me grunt and stuff my head under my soft pillow. My head was pounding and I felt terribly dizzy as I recalled last night’s event. Once I managed to pull myself out of bed, I walked over to my mirror and gasped in shock at the state of my eyes. They were red and really puffed up. I’m surprised I could actually look through them. Right on cue, Brent walked in to check up on me I guess.

“Morning Ally, how are you feeling?”

“Morning Brent, I’ve got a headache but I’m feeling much better than last night. Oh and thank-you for everything”

“It’s alright bub, let me go get you some medicine while you change and get ready”.

Giving the best smile I could, I nodded my head and made my way to the bathroom.

“You’re the best twin brother anyone could ever have." I whispered to my self.

 I applied eye concealer and BB cream on my eyes and face in order to beautify my drowsy looking eyes, and I left my hair flow down my back in its natural form. I wore my black jeans, red converse and a red cardigan. It was chilly outside today and the least I could do is cover up properly. Remembering my neck scarf and beanie before I left, I put them on and left for Brent and my medicine.


Just as we entered the school I noticed Ashley and grunted. I wasn’t in the mood for her nor did I want to end up in another dispute over nothing- absolutely nothing. Brent noticed me and put his arms around me telling me that everything’s going to be okay. When he said everything, I knew he just didn’t mean Ashley. He literally meant everything. 

Right at that moment, Vanessa came into view and waved at me enthusiastically with a huge goofy grin planted on her face. Her excitement in the morning would never cease to amaze me.

“Hey Ally!”

“Hey Vanessa” I chuckled at her and gave her a hug. Just then, Brent kissed my cheek and walked away.

“Bye Brent, see you in English” I called out to him, earning a wave and smile.

“ Wow, you both are so adorable!!” Vanessa squealed and squeezed me tightly.

My heart ached as negative thoughts ran through my mind. She may be smiling at me now, but it can all be a lie. What if they hurt me too? What if they betray me and leave?

“Hey Ally are you coming?”

“Uh. Yeah sorry” 

As Vanessa’s laugh echoed through my mind, my heart opposed my thoughts. Her sweet voice and smile gripped my heart with love, hinting to me that they really are true friends and that their warm actions are because they like me. It made me feel bad for actually thinking of them in such a way. I know it’s too early to judge, but my instinct has never been so sure before. And that’s a good sign.

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