Chapter Seven

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Allison’s P.O.V

The sound of the doorbell ringing made me rush to the front door, reaching it at approximately 3 seconds. Despite how fast I ran down the hall, my mother managed to get there before me and actually start introducing herself to my friends.

“Hey guys”

“Hey Mrs. Fray, I’m Vanessa.”



As they shook her hands, my mothers face lit up instantly.

“Hello dears, call me Haley. Make yourself at home and let me know if Ally gives you all a hard time,” laughing, my mother turned her gaze towards me with a sweet smile. Whenever I had friends over she wouldn’t care less, she believed that they were a bad influence.

“We sure will Haley, just watch out for our loud screams,” Vanessa winked and wrapped her arms around me. Mirroring my mother’s expression, I welcomed my friends and guided them straight to my room. I plopped down onto my bed waiting for the bed to go down due to the others weight. However when I finally realised that it wasn’t going to happen anytime soon, I looked up and noticed them all taking my room in from corner to corner, object to object. I had my art easel and supplies in front of my window, near my feature wall. My walk in wardrobe was near the entrance of my room and my white, antique looking bed was to the left of my room. Behind my bed I had my desk that was neatly decorated and organized. My lamp was antique and had diamonds hanging down; reminding me that the stars only shine at night, something my dad always used to say. They looked so focused as they turned around and admired my feature wall. It was my family portrait that I had painted when I first moved to Melbourne from Sydney at the start of the year. We all looked so happy with our big smiles, and the gorgeous scenery in the background looked amazing. It took a few weeks for me to finish painting but it was definitely worth it.

“Wow, Ally this is just wow,” with her mouth hanging, Vanessa looked mesmerized.

“Ally you are amazing. This is amazing!” Fatima raised her voice out of excitement, showing me her perfect white teeth with her smile.

“You gotta paint me one day,” Jace laughed as he made his way to me and fist pumped me.

Turning away out of embarrassment, I managed to whisper a ‘thank you’ loud enough for all of them to hear. Fatima turned towards me and asked if that was my dad.

“Yeah, um he passed.” I tried to force a smile on my face, but failed making my vision blur.

“Oh Ally, I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to ask. I ask so many questions and I –“

“It’s okay Fatima, It really is.”

I was pulled into a hug where they gratefully let me weep into their shoulders. Not that I wanted to react that way, I just didn’t know how not to cry when I remembered my father. After all, he only passed away a few months ago and the memories were unforgettable and clear. After moments, I pulled away and turned around trying to hide my face. Jace grabbed my face and turned me towards him. I looked into his eyes and he did the same.

“Stop turning away like that. You don’t need to be embarrassed okay? You still look beautiful and I mean it.”

“Yeah Ally, we’ll always be here for you no matter what.” Fatima’s sincere smile, and Jace’s intense stare made my heart ache.

“Is this what has been bothering you in art class? Is this why you constantly space out and when you’re back to your normal state you’re all teary or frightened?” Vanessa asked sincerely.

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