Chapter One

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Hey everyone!

"Adam & I" is based on a young broken girl who has lost hope. I chose to write this as my first book on wattpad to practice my writing skills; but to also have fun and to give you guys a story worth reading. Well I hope it is. :) I'll be posting as often as I could.  Happy Reading! 

Copyright 2014, @saraahh97. All rights reserved.


Allison's P.O.V

The rain was gaudy. As each droplet hit against my window, I dreaded going to school. Why? Because I was the new girl. The weather mirrored my thoughts and emotions. The reason why I’ve moved is because my father passed away and my mother believed that by moving us to a completely different state, we wouldn’t dwell ourselves in sorrow. Personally, I think it makes no difference. I still reminisce each night the good times with my old man, feeling miserable and lonely; aching for him to come back. I wanted to say goodbye properly.

Just then, interrupting my thoughts, my doorknob squeaks as it turns revealing my mother.

“Ally, get up! It’s time for school Hun. You don’t wanna be late on your first day."Grunting, I forced my self out of my bed and went to the bathroom only to find it occupied.

“BRENT! Hurry up!” I yell at my twin brother, banging on the bathroom door.

Moments later, my brother walked out winking at me. Ever since my father passed, my brother and I became closer than ever. Shaking my train of thoughts away before they arrived, I went in, showered and brushed my teeth and hair. I left my hair in its natural waves and dressed in my most comfortable attire. It was quite evident that I had a big day ahead of me. I felt uneasy at its slightest. 


“Allison, come on please. It’s been 5 minutes already. Just get out of the car, I’m sure you’ll be fine hunny”. My mother assured me.

“Hey Ally, come here”. Brent gently pulled me out of the car and into a tight embrace.

“You can do it and don’t worry, you’ve got your big brother here to help you out”, he winked at me for the second time today.

His gesture made me laugh and I realized that maybe I was being a little too childish. I waved my mother goodbye and walked into the school. After receiving directions from the office lady, Brent and I separated and walked in opposite directions. As I made my way to my Studio Arts class, I couldn’t help but notice all the stares that I was getting. I looked down at my outfit checking if I was undressed or not. I decided that my jeans, hoodie and chucks were good enough for me and that everyone surrounding me was just curious. Well I hoped that was the case.

 Thanking God that I’m early and that nobody besides the teacher was in the class yet, I entered and shyly introduced my self. 

“It’s nice to meet you Allison, I’m Miss Brookes. Pick a seat and make your self comfortable," she smiled at me sweetly. 

As I turned around, I noticed a boy sitting at the back eyeing me. His lips curved into a smirk until it occurred to me that I have been staring for quite a while. Way to go Ally, already embarrassing yourself.


The bell rang and students began pouring in. I chose to sit in the second row, avoiding the teacher at the front and that boy in the back. I took a quick glance at him and noticed that he was sketching something into his book. Creasing my eyebrows in confusion, I turned around as a hand tapped my shoulder.

 "Hey, you must be the new girl Allison Fray. Well I’m Vanessa Morg and I’d be more than happy to show you around the school." 

A brunette girl with big brown eyes and fair skin stuck her hand out for me to shake in a robotic manner. This only made me laugh while taking her hand and introducing my self.

“Hey Vanessa, call me Ally. And thank you, a tour around this place would be great." 

I offered her my friendliest smile, earning a warm one in return.

Our art teacher began the lesson, making sure to mention me at the beginning. I didn’t bother introducing myself and just gave a small wave to everyone. I guess trying to hide my self isn’t going to work in this school.  I dazed off not long after the class started and began thinking of my old best friends Amanda and Tony whom I haven’t heard from in months. It’s quite sad you know, how distance can ruin such a strong relationship. Clearly it wasn’t strong enough.  My next stop was my boyfr…well my ex. Thinking of the way things have ended. And then to my father. His death hit me hard and it was something I would never be able to get over. 

“Ally, are you okay?”

I nodded my head and gave Vanessa a smile of reassurance, forcing myself to ignore all that has been haunting me for months. I didn’t know if I was just spacing out again, but I was sure that time was going really slow. I stared blankly at Miss Brookes and at the unmelodic clock positioned ahead of me. Or at least I thought I was.

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