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Vic's POV

I walked into the library that morning, my head down and all my focus on the piece of paper that was clutched in my hand. On it was an assignment my college professor ordered us to write down for our next big grade. It was a lot to study and it required way too many books for my liking. We weren't assigned specific books to look through, but I was going to get as many as I could. This library was about to become my second home for the next month.

A shoulder bag was slung on my arm, probably making me look a lot nerdier than I was, and I knew the Starbucks cup in my hand wasn't really helping my image.Brushing my hair to the side, I took the stairs two at a time and headed for a computer to begin my search. It was around 10am, which was still quite early for stupid ass teenagers to be in here, which I was grateful for. The entire place was silent, like a library should be, and I didn't want to deal with how loud the high schoolers could be. I didn't care if it was on accident; keep your mouth shut.

I reached one of the computers and began to type in the search bar, scrolling through each book as they showed up and writing down where they were located in the library. It was my first year at the college, and I was a history major. Stupid choice, I know; but who knew that there were so many other important things that happened in history than just the Civil War and WWI? Apparently I didn't, but I stuck with this because I have no other idea what to do with my life and I was not about to pay more for my tuition by switching majors.

About ten minutes later I had finally found where all the books I was looking for were located, and I began my search around the library for them.That was when I saw him. Someone that looked to be around my age with pale skin and black hair that framed his face, who, although he was standing on his toes, was slightly shorter than myself. I had been passing by an aisle when I saw him. Just a quick glance was all I did when I saw him struggling to reach a book on the top shelf. I had walked a few rows down already before it had clicked in my brain that he might have needed help. After debating with myself on how much time I'd be wasting by helping him, I finally spun on my heel and looked down each aisle until I found him again. His arm was raised as high as it could go, balancing on one foot with his toes. There was a strained look on his face, the shirt he was wearing inching up and revealing the curve of his hips. It didn't seem like he noticed my presence."Need some help?" I asked, still standing at the end of the bookshelves. He didn't reply; he didn't even look at me, just continued to reach for the book that was clearly out of his reach and sigh in frustration, blowing a lock of hair out of his eyes.

By the looks of it, I wasn't sure I could get it either. I left momentarily and grabbed a step stool, bringing it back and setting it next to the guy. He looked at me when he saw me coming and watched silently as I climbed the two small steps and pointed at a book."This one, right?" I asked, pointing at it. He shook his head, pointing to the right. Why the hell wasn't he talking to me? Words would really help right now. I moved my hand over to the next book, my palm hovering over the spine. "This one?" He nodded, and I pulled the book from its confines. He smiled at me as he took it from my hand, blue eyes glimmering."You're welcome," I said, a little more cocky than I intended it to be. My back was turned when I said it, and when I climbed off the stool and turned around I was greeted with his outstretched hand in front of my chest. With a confused look, I slowly grabbed it and shook it. Tucking the book under his arm, he gave me a little wave as he turned and left, smiling softly back at me.

What the hell, seriously? He couldn't have just said "thank you"? Whatever. I kicked the stool to the side and continued the search for my books.

Ten minutes had passed before all of them were in my hands and I was stumbling to a table, dropping the large pile onto the tabletop and sitting down, readying myself for the next few hours. With my notebook in front of me and coffee by my side, I opened up the very first book and began my studies.

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