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Vic's POV

The operation took about 3 hours, which was good. Normal operation time for Cochlear implants were 2-5 hours so everything went well. Jenna and I had spent the time in the waiting room, yawning and cuddled close to one another as we took turns playing games on her phone. Jaime came around 8:30, looking tired as ever but still just as impatient and excited as we all were. I just couldn't wait to be out of there and eat some food, to be honest. I knew patients could go home the same day if they wanted, as long as their doctor says it's okay, so I was hoping and praying that that's how it was going to be here.

When we were called down to the recovery room, where Kellin's room was, we all stood up and followed the nurse down a series of hallways and turns, finding his room quickly. He was just inside behind the glass walls, laying on his back with a monitor hooked up to a device around his finger, but that was all. His eyes were closed, and we were about to go in when his room nurse stepped up beside us.

"Is this all that'll be going in?" The man asked, looking us over.

"No, his parents are going to be coming soon," Jenna answered. "I think they just got here."

The nurse nodded. "I'm Nurse Johnson. Kellin's doing fine, of course. His surgery ended about 15 minutes ago so he should be up soon. He's going to be quite out of it and maybe feeling a little discomfort and lightheadedness or sickness, but other than that he'll be just fine - probably thirsty too. Dr. Andrews will tell you whether he can go home today or not, but with how smoothly his surgery went I think it's likely he will."

Nurse Johnson ended his little speech with a smile, leaving us to thank him and finally enter the room, Jenna and Jaime sitting down at the chairs while I scooted one close to his bed and gently took his hand in mine, running my thumb over the cool skin. Just seconds later two older people appeared in the doorway of the room, staring in before walking forward. They must have been Kellin's parents, the woman bearing his eyes and lips and the man having Kellin's nose. He was a perfect mixture of the two, and all I could do was stare at them until they said something.

"When did he get out?" His mother asked, glancing at me before looking at Jenna, who she seemed to be familiar with the most.

"About fifteen minutes ago," Jenna answered, standing up and going to hug her, mumbling something about how she's been and such.

His mother turned to me after and looked me over; not in a hateful way, just taking me in.

"You're Vic, right?" She asked, stepping towards me and outstretching her arms. I released Kellin's hand and stood up as well, giving his mom an awkward hug and smiling.

"Yeah," I answered shortly, shaking his father's hand over the bed after before sitting back down.

"You're the boyfriend then," she smiled. "Kellin told us about you. It's nice to put a face to the name."

I smiled and nodded, eyes drifting to Jaime, who no one seemed to notice yet. Eager to get the attention off of me, I spoke again. "That over there is Jaime," I said, pointing to my spikey-haired friend and smirking when he glared at me quickly, smiling at Kellin's parents when they turned to him. "He's my friend but he wanted to be here too." Jaime resisted the urge to say something back, instead going to chew on his bottom lip angrily when his mother walked over to him and hugged him as well. I think I would like her. She was affectionate. It explained Kellin's clingy-ness.

Speaking of the dark-haired boy, I felt his fingers in my hand begin to move and heard a small groan come from behind me. I turned around and found his eyes slowly opening, a confused and strained look on his face as he woke up more. I smiled and ran my other hand through his hair carefully, avoiding his ears at all costs and coaxing him awake. He smacked his lips and looked around, eyes still heavily lidded, so none of us tried speaking to him.

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