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Vic's POV

My head was lazily resting in the palm of my hand while I sat in the large lecture hall at the college, near the very top where my professor's voice echoed towards me. I wasn't tired as much as I was bored, absentmindedly tapping the end of my pen against my blank piece of paper. Those around me were hastily scribbling away the words he was saying, but I found nothing particularly interesting enough in them to write them down. Or it was because I'd already heard it before; some people should really learn to work ahead in these classes no matter how much it may stress you out - it was well worth it.

During the middle of some boring explanation on some petty fight between the Kings of who-cares and I-really-don't-give-a-fuck, my phone, which sat idly in my pocket, buzzed shortly. It startled me a bit, my body jerking in response and the girl next to me giving me a strange look, which I ignored and instead shuffled a bit to slip my fingers into the tight pocket and claw my phone out.

I saw that the text preview was from Kellin and immediately unlocked it, reading the words that appeared on the screen.

From Kellin: "What are you doing?"

I replied quickly and set my phone on the desk, leaving it unlocked so that I could see when he read my response and began typing back, his text coming not long after.

From Kellin: "That's boring. When do you get out?"

I checked the time on the top of the screen. 7:34pm. I had 26 minutes until my last class of the day ended. 26 minutes until I could go home, throw some pajamas on, study, and fall asleep watching Weeds. That's all I wanted to do.

To Kellin: "Like half an hour, why?"

From Kellin: "There's a party I'm going to tonight and I thought you'd might want to tag along? You can bring Jaime too."

I thought about it for a short while, debating on whether or not I should go. On one hand I had been doing nothing but studying and keeping my regular routine up at the library the past few weeks, but on the other I really should be getting as much study time in as I possibly could, even if it was just 2 hours in my dorm. I could just go back, study, and then go to the party around 10, but that'd mean I could only stay out for like an hour before I had to get back by 12am, when they locked the doors to the dorms.

After giving it some thought and thinking it over, I gave in and replied with a 'yeah sure'. In return, Kellin texted me the address of the party, stating that he hoped to see me there, adding a signature winky face to the text. I chose not to reply after that, instead scribbling down some quick notes I needed.

The next 20 minutes were spent checking the clock, impatiently watching the time tick idly by until it was 8 o'clock and we were being dismissed. I reached under my seat and grabbed my backpack, throwing the long straps over my shoulders and bounding down the stairs, shuffling my way past people.

In the hallway I met with a few people I knew, stopping quickly to talk with Alex and Oliver to find out that they were going to the party as well. I left them to it, walking in the other direction towards the B dorms where my room was located, while they left the building altogether.

I unlocked the door to the room, revealing Jaime who was stuffing his face with Chinese food and watching something on his laptop.

"Hey," he greeted me through a mouthful of rice, smiling at me with his cheeks full. I chuckled at the sight, hanging my backpack up and looking at my bed, happy to see the styrofoam container and plastic fork atop it.

"Hi," I replied, climbing on the mattress and opening the container, prodding gently at the food inside to find that it was still warm, which meant that Jaime had gotten it recently. "Thanks for getting me food for once."

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