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Red's PoV

"You love her right?" Green asked as we stared at each other from across the small wooden table.

"Of course," I whispered in a voice barely audible in the bustling cafe.

"If you truly loved her-" Green started as I felt my breath hitch and my crimson eyes flicker with anticipation for what he was going to say next "Then why did you let her go?"

I released a breath I didn't realize I was holding with a sigh. I don't really know why I ever left her. I guess I started being distant when I thought she was dating Green. They seemed so close and better together than she and I would ever be. I was so hurt that I just left and went up to Mt.Silver.

Maybe I went to escape what I thought was reality or maybe it was because I was just in so much pain seeing her like that. It could have been the loneliness I felt after she had announced she was going to the Kalos region to study and train more. It might have even been because I didn't want to suffer in a one sided relationship any longer. I couldn't bear the thought of life without her. She means so much to me, not that I'll ever get the chance to tell her.

She had always joked about us being like a couple and she never knew how much I wanted us to be one. It hurt when I received a letter from her a couple months ago and found out that everything was going well especially with her boyfriend. My heart burned from jealousy and rage. Why couldn't she just love me just as much I love her?

I occasionally, on a quiet afternoon at home will stare at the picture of the three of us when we had met up a the pokemon league after journeying for so long. It was so nice to see her again and I didn't realize how much she meant to me until then. Everytime I look at that picture I'm reminded of what used to be and what could've been. I don't know if I'll ever admit it but I'm not fine. I lie whenever someone asks me that question and say that I am doing well when in all reality I'm not.

I wonder where she is right now and what she's doing in Kalos. It's been so long since I've seen her beautiful, shining face. I don't think I've seen her in years. How have I lived this long without her? Maybe I haven't really been living at all. I win battle after battle, but it never means anything.

"So, I heard y/n is coming to visit for a year to help gramps with his research," Green spoke as he stood up from the table and stretched as the new information sank in.

"Really?" I asked with hope and excitement in my voice.

"Yeah, I heard it from gramps a few days ago. I think she arrives next week. He also said something about her having something important to tell everyone," Green replied with an unidentifiable tone in his voice.

"I can't wait," I smiled as I stood up and followed Green out of the warm cafe and into the late evening summer air.

"I wonder what important thing she has to tell us," Green pondered with a perplexed look on his face as we walked towards his house.

"I have no clue. I haven't heard anything from her in a few months," I added as we passed the pokemon center.

"Well whatever it is this might be your last chance Romeo," Green sighed as about a million questions flew around in my head about what Green could possibly mean by that.

This might look familiar because part of this story was posted in my Pokemon one shots book. The first two chapters are going to be the same ones that are in my one shot book, but after that they are new chapters that I haven't added to any book yet.

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