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(Ah writer block, my only nemesis also this is two weeks later ;3;)

Keith slowly woke up with a sharp pain on the side of his head.
"W-What-" he stopped, shocked by his own voice. It was scratchy and a slight growl echoed behind. His eyes slowly adjusted to his surroundings and he could start to see where he was. The boy looked around the dimly lit room, he wanted to explore more but something was holding him down: chains. He had chains on his ankles and wrists, he tried in vain to pull against him. But that only used up strength he didn't have. Even in his galra form, he was completely restrained.
"Where am I?" He yelled into the nothingness.

"As so you've awoken?" A cackle filled the completely empty cellar.
"Answer the question!" He snarled, sternly.
"Careful how you tread, young paladin." It mocked,
"You don't want your little prince to get hurt?"
Keith felt his heart sink, Lance? No they couldn't have him.
"What are you on about?" He was answered with another laugh, then a different voice.
"K-Keith, help!"
"Lance?!?" He pulled desperately on the metal restrains to get to his lover.
"K-Keith..." His whimpers hurt the small teen. He wanted to hear Lance laugh, see him smile, not have him in pain like this.
"Lance it's gonna be ok.." he mumbled,
"N-No it's not Keith. Do you know h-how long you've b-been asleep." He could hear the tears in the boy's voice.

"T-Two weeks." Lance yelled. Causing Keith to choke on his own air.
"W-What..?" He stuttered, not believing his ears.
"Yeah, w-we all went to go f-find you, then we got attack a-and I got separated from the gang..."
"Yes, we found a poor lost kitten last night, didn't we Blue?" The cold, wicked voice returned.
"Lance, listen to me, it's all gonna be alright." He tried to calm down his lover.
"No it's not- ACK!" A loud cry filled the room.
"LANCE! Don't quiznacking hurt him..." Keith growled as the electric buzz from whatever the monster used on his boyfriend.
"Ooops," the patronising voice was cut off by another yell from the blue boy, causing tears to brim in the yellow eyes of Keith.

"I think that's enough, how would you two love birds like to be reunited?"
"Yes.." Keith sighed, wanting to see Lance again.
"Alright, I'll let you two have a moment." A crude chuckle following the phrase as an unknown door opened and a limp body was thrown towards the small boy. Keith immediately wrapped his arms around it, he could feel him shaking.
"K-K-Keith-" Lance's voice was hoarse and scratchy, it pained him to talk.
"Shhhh, it's alright, I'm here."
"K-Keith it hurts..." this broke the boys heart. Lance was weak, he was crying and now he was in pain.
"Where does it hurt?"
"E-Everywhere, I c-can't move." He whispered, closing his eyes.
"Lance, you have to be strong." There was an audible crack in Keith's voice, as tears once again formed in his eyes.
"K-Keith, can y-you turn back." He muttered, with a hint of fear in his voice.
"Oh, yeah." He hadn't noticed that he had turned fully galra, I guess Lance triggered a strong emotion. He slowly changed back, using up what little energy he had left.
"T-Thank you," I small, sad smile formed on Lance's face as he rested his head on Keith's lap.

"Lance, can I- Can I look at what they did?" A hesitated nod came from the taller boy as he, with Keith's help, lifted his shirt. Bruises and scratches traced his chest, he whimpered when they where touched. His back was worse, much worse, he had bruises, scratches, cuts and whip marks covering every inch of his once perfect skin.
"L-Lance, I'm... I'm so, so sorry." He brought the crying boy into a careful hug.
"It's n-not your fault."
"Y-Yes it is, if I h-hadn't ran off t-the galra wouldn't of caught y-you."
"Shh, please don't cry Keith, it's all going to be ok, like you said." He smiled weakly, causing Keith to smile back and nod.
"Y-Yeah, the o-others should find us."

~Meanwhile, at the castle~

Everyone was in distress, they've had no lead on Keith and now they've lost Lance.
"Check the radar again." Shiro commanded, pacing the floor.
"Y-yes Shiro." Koran squeaked, scared of the leader like this. Pidge was trying desperately to calm him down, while trying to get Hunk to stop panicking, while panicking herself.
"Guys, its been two weeks." She started, "what if the galra got to him?"
"Thank you for that helpful addition, Pidge." Shiro spat back, causing a snarl from her.
"Don't we have a tracker on the Loin?" Hunk asked, between hyperventilating.
"Yes, but it appears to be shut off." Allura sighed.

It was like this everyday, lunch until dinner. The team would go into panic mode, then calm down to eat, try to do something to take their mind off the current situation like training and then sleep.
"Let's just eat, we've been doing this for a good few hours now." She sighed as the team all nodded in agreement. Shiro organised all the team into the food hall to eat whatever pathetic slop was served to them.
"Bon appetite." Pidge sighed at the goo in front of her, meal time was the worst, she sat between Lance's seat and Keith's seat- both now obviously empty.
"Let's just hope that they're safe..." She sighed, knowing that it's not the case. Keith is with that galra, and it's quite possible Lance it too.
"Tomorrow, we set off again." Shiro announced,
"What, no Shiro that's not gonna help, we don't have any lead." She argued,
"Yeah, shouldn't we stay here and keep searching the radars?" Hunk agreed,
"Alright, fine we wont." He sighed.
They where all tired, all distressed, all rushing and all thinking the same question:
Where is Keith and Lance?

(Omg thank you whoever reads this, it's utter rubbish. Writers block sucks! But yeah, here's another chapter :p)

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