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A loud click of a door was heard and Keith automatically pulled the sleeping Lance closer. It had taken everything in him to convince the boy to get the rest he was in dire need of. He rested his head on his chest, hugging his head close as a galra figure came up to them.

It was too dark to make out any features, but he was tall and obviously strong.
"Our higher ups wish to have the Blue Paladin." It spoke formally and directly.
"Yeah, like hell I'm going to let you have him!" He whisper, yelled, holding him tighter.
"If you don't then his punishment will be worse." He growled, the formality of his voice replaced with a menacing growl. Keith sighed and shook him awake,
"Lance, hey, wake up." He spoke softly.
"Hmm..?" He opened his eyes and whimpered as he moved from all the injuries.
"You need to go with this soldier."
He kept his calm voice as he felt Lance begin to shake and panic.
"N-No. Please no." He stuttered desperately, clinging onto the front of Keith's shirt.
"Lance, please, it'll be worse if you stay." He said, his voice breaking at the state his lover's in. Lance let out a whimper and stood up, walking over to the soldier. He gave one last pleading look to Keith and walked out the door.

Keith pulled his knees up to his chest and cried. He refused to cry for Lance; he had to be strong. But by himself, he let the fat tears drop silently onto the floor. He rocked himself back and forth, trying to comfort, but it didn't work. He just kept crying and hugging himself, repeating "sorry" over and over again until he heard a soft click and an unconscious body thrown to him.
"Lance..." he whispered weakly, brushing his hear out his eyes and cupping his cheek. "You're so quiznacking strong." He whispered.

The days carried on like this and the two paladins began to loose hope that the others where looking. It was always the same, they would drag Lance away from him, hurt him and give him back. The boy refused to tell Keith what they did, he would start shaking and yell "no" whenever he tried.

The same click of the door was heard as Lance was once again chucked in. He was crying and shaking more than usual and used his hands to cup Keith's face.
"L-Lance..?" He looked down at him.
"Keith. T-They- It's d-dark so dark..."
"Lance, please, tell me what happened. What's dark?" Confusion leaked out his voice.
"E-Everything's d-dark." He whimpered.
"Lance look at me."
"I c-can't!"
"Lance, open your eyes." He instructed.
The blue boy opened his eyes to reveal black. They had done something to his eyes to turn them black. They took his sight. Lances sight.

Keith hugged him tighter, trying to fight tears as Lance cried on his shoulder.
"K-Keith, I can't see."
"I know Lance." He rubbed his back, letting him cry.
"I-I can't ever see you again." That's what broke the blue paladins heart. He will never see his lovers face again. His smile. His beautiful purple eyes that he would normally get lost in. Swimming in the violet space. He would never see Keith's scars again. All the perfect imperfections. Lance felt tears in the corners of his eyes as he hugged tighter, not caring if the rest of him hurt because his heart hurt the most. It ached with the weight of a hundred words, waiting to be said. A hundred tears that will never be seen. A hundred beatings and bashings from life. Until it was just being held together with a single tread, waiting for the inevitable snap.
That's what hurt most. Knowing that he will break. It felt like everything just crumbled apart and became clear at the same time. He could hear Keith but he couldn't understand anything. Like his head was underwater. Everything was spinning....

Keith felt the weight on his shoulder greaten. He looked over to see Lance asleep, fat tear lines running down his face like rivers.
"I promise we will get out of here." He whispered, pushing the brown hair out of his, now black, eyes. "And once we do, I'll make sure they all get what's coming for them..."

(Agh, so sorry I haven't updated. I've just been going through a lot of stuff. Life has the need to consistently remind me that I'm not good enough. But here's another, shot, bad chapter.

As always, your petty, lazy friend, Noah)

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