-Chapter 1- 'Birthday Regrets'

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Long ago... No. Let's try again. Many years ago... Nope. Why are all beginnings so fucking cliché? You know what this is a fairytale so let's start the way fairytales do!
Once upon a time in a kingdom in the countryside of the united kingdom there was a castle that stood strong as they were a peaceful community who had friended all kingdoms far and wide. Except the kingdom of Sapphire. The kingdom of Sapphire ruled with fear. Their influence on their citizens angered the other kingdoms but there was nothing that the other kingdoms could do to help those citizens since they weren't their main priority. Plus since the other kingdoms were too peaceful they refused to fight the sapphire kingdom to change their ways. The other kingdoms just watched in concern as they continued to rule by fear, but every kingdom began to have something to finally smile about. The kings and queens all had a royal baby born. The sapphire kingdom had a baby boy who they named Josh. In a neighboring kingdom called the kingdom of Donovan they had a baby boy under the name of Blaine. In the kingdom of Hugo they were also blessed with a baby boy who they named Lewis. In yet another kingdom in the kingdom of Magdalene another baby boy was born but under the name of Tyler. Yet another baby was born but in the kingdom of Aegis another baby boy was born this one called Kurt. However, in the kingdom of Dawn, king and queen Winters have a baby girl who they named Megan. All these births happened over the space of a year and not particularly that order might I add. As the royal children grew up so did the space between the kingdoms. That was until all the kings from all the kingdoms came together and came to a solution. To bring the kingdoms together once all the children have became the age of eighteen, the boys will have to win the heart of King Winter's daughter Megan. If they aren't picked by the princess they will have to go out into the world and rescue one. All of the kings agreed over a pint of beer and all headed home. So the fates of bringing two kingdoms out of the six together is on the shoulders of Princess Megan from the kingdom of Dawn... Hey what could happen?
Eighteen Years later...
"Mum!" Snapped Prince Callum. "Callum stop shouting sweetheart, what's the problem?" Asked Queen Winter. "Megan's still not up and Dad has already gotten the ballroom decorated for her birthday" moaned Prince Callum. "Oh god. Don't worry I'll go wake her now. She should of gotten up hours ago" cried Queen Winter as she made her way to the west side of the castle and up the left tower towards Megan's room in heels. As she reached the top of the tower she opened the door and closed it behind her. "Megan get up" said Queen Winter as she walked across the room towards my windows and opened them wide for the summer sun to shine in and it hit my tired eyes like a bullet from a gun. "Mum!" I moaned as I pulled a pink frilly pillow over my head. "Megan don't you know what day it is?" Asked Queen Winter. "Not a school day" I replied awkwardly. "Well yes but in particular it's 25th July" said Queen Winter. "Oh fuck, it's my birthday" I said as I sat up in shock. "Yes it is. You need to have a bath and then get dressed and after you've done that you are going to go and open your present from your dad and I. Also after that you are to go on a horse ride through the kingdom in a carriage" explained queen Winter. "Oh my god! Thanks mum!" I said happily as I got out of bed. "Once you're done go find Callum for him to escort you to the carriage ok?" Explained queen Winter. "Yes mum" I said as she opened my door and exited then shut the door behind her. Ok ok I'm so late for my own birthday, I've got to stop staying up most of the night watching fanfic! I got undressed and hopped into the bath. The water was hot and steamy which was like a hot tub but minus the bubbles. After fifteen minutes I got out of the bath and pulled the plug out then walked back into my room with a towel wrapped around me. As I was about to sit down on my bed again there was a knock on the door. "Who is it?" I asked. "It's Chord Ma'am. I've got the present from your parents with me. Permission to enter your chambers?" Asked Chord. "Ok" I replied as he then opened the door and closed the door behind him. Chord Wood is a servant in the castle but he's also the only member of staff in the castle who makes my heart skip a beat. His light brown like cinnamon hair which is slightly messy and his brown caring but mysterious eyes just get me weak at the knees. Oh and don't even get me started about his body. Its peak! As he stood infront of me in his black trousers and his light green button up shirt holding a strange shaped object covered in sparkling pink wrapping paper he just stared at me blankly.
"Chord?" I said as I folded my arms. "Oh sorry! Here's the gift from your parents" said Chord as he looked to the ground blushing uncontrollably as he held the gift out infront of him. "Um thanks? I said feeling pretty confused. Chord the looked back up again and he then awkwardly turned to leave but slightly hunched over. "What's wrong?" I asked as he froze in his tracks. "Nothing ma'am just I must leave since the queen will be expecting me to head to the carriage to be ready for your ride around town" explained Chord as he then exited my room and shut the door abruptly behind him. I slowly walked up to my door and listened carefully with my ear pressed against the door. "Dammit. She's given me a boner again... I better head to the bathroom then to the carriage" sighed Chord. Hearing what I heard I covered my mouth with my hand from shock. I didn't know he felt for me... To be honest I should of known from the how he's the only one who is staff that enters my room... I should talk to him about this but since he's just staff talking to him about this changes nothing... I wish I didn't hear that now. I must distract myself. I walked over to my bed casually and grabbed my present. Ripping back the sparkly wrapping paper revealed a beautiful silk bubble gum pink dress. My eyes widened with shock. I was so happy. I sprung to my feet and dried myself the best that I could and put on the beautiful dress. It had no sleeves and went down to my shins around my waist it had a thin white ribbon with a beautiful sparkling flower pattern around the bottom of the dress which was white. I gave the dress a twirl and it was stunning! My only problem now? What an I going to do with my hair and my makeup! I grabbed my hair dryer tight in hand and dried my matted brown hair after drying it fully I began to brush out all the knots and then put it up in a bun wrapped in a white scrunchy with a white rose hair pin tucked into it. All that was missing was my tiara. I stood infront of my mirror and placed my tiara upon my head carefully and began to put on some punch pink nail polish on without getting it on my dress. After doing my nails I put on some foundation then rose pink lipstick followed by brown eyeshadow, eyeliner then mascara. To finish it all off I put in some blusher and a silver butterfly necklace with matching butterfly stud earrings. I then chose some beautiful white heels and headed out of my room to find Callum.
It didn't take too long to find him since he was just standing outside the castle near the carriage. "Megan you too forever" said Callum. I rolled my eyes and we both sat in the carriage and we rode around the kingdom and the people of our kingdom just wished me a happy birthday but on our way back Callum looked at me with an uneasy look upon his face. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Well you know later on you are having a party? Well I don't like the fact that princes from other kingdoms are coming here" explained Callum. "I know you are worried about me but there's really nothing to worry about ok?" I said trying to reassure him. "If any of them do anything to hurt you I'm cutting their nuts off and feeding it to a stray cat" snapped Callum. "They won't, just calm down ok? I'll be fine. How about this if there's any sign of trouble I'll call you right away before anyone else" I explained. Callum nodded but I could still see he was stressed as we then pulled up outside the castle again. "We better head to the ballroom" said Callum as he walked me inside towards the ballroom. "Prince Callum your mum wants you, she's upstairs near your chambers" said one of the servants. Callum nodded then looked back to me for a second then began to walk away towards his chambers. I turned my attention to the wooden double doors infront of me and I felt very nervous so I tried to keep calm since I felt like I was going to have a panic attack but I kept thinking of all the fun I was going to have for this is my eighteenth birthday. Nothing will go wrong I told myself. After building up enough courage I opened the doors and as they opened it revealed the giant ballroom filled with pink and white balloons and a giant pink and white banner saying happy eighteenth birthday girl. It was amazing! Especially the chocolate fountain with strawberries as well as the alcohol I could see as well as other snacks that were set up on the tables spaced out around the outside of the ballroom on the left side. My dad then stood up proudly as five men then stood in a line on the right side as well as the hall being filled with guests who are the people of our kingdom. "Megan, happy eighteenth birthday" said King Winter as he smiled from ear to ear. "Thank you" I said as he then stood up from his throne. "These men are actually Princes Megan might I add and its up to you to choose which of them you are to marry" explained king Winter. Starting from those closest to my dad's throne they introduced themselves.
The closest one to my dad was fairly tall with sky blue twinkling eyes and brown short lush straight locks wearing purple trousers, a white button up shirt with a matching purple blazer that has a white rose in his blazer pocket. He smiled towards me and bowed then said "Nice to meet you Princess Megan, remember me? It's Kurt. Prince of the kingdom of Aegis" said Kurt as he winked at me playfully. The second has short brownish blackish hair who was slightly tanned with a look of freedom sparkling in his brown eyes like a firework display on the fourth of July. He was wearing white trousers with a white shirt and a white blazer with a red rose in his blazer pocket and he grabbed my left hand and gave it a tender kiss. "I'm Prince Blaine from the kingdom of Donovan, it is a pleasure to meet you" he said in an intrepid way. The next prince along has blonde hair like the sun's rays with brown eyes. He wasn't particularly like the rest of them he just looked lost in thought then he suddenly caught up to speed. "Oh, happy birthday Princess Megan I'm Lewis from the Kingdom of Hugo, I'm humbled to make your acquaintance" Lewis explained with caution. After Lewis was another blonde but this one was alot taller than me with short sun bleached blonde hair and sea blue eyes and he wasn't particularly bothered by me really. He wore red trousers with a black buttoned shirt with a read blazer. "I'm Prince Tyler from the kingdom of Magdalene" said Tyler as he just stood their folding his arms abruptly. Now, the final prince looked out of place from the rest. He has very fair skin with dark brown hair like bark on a tree with blue diamond eyes and he was wearing navy blue trousers with a white buttoned up shirt with a navy blue blazer with like Prince Tyler no flower. "Nice to meet you Princess Megan I'm Josh from the kingdom of Sapphire" he said as a kissed my left hand softly but forcefully. I've got my work cut out for me if I'm supposed to pick only one tonight since they're all fit.
"You lot can continue dancing now everyone go have fun" explained king Winter as he then stood up and walked out of the ballroom. "Hey, Megan! Care to dance?" Asked Kurt with a cheeky smile appearing across his face. It was an obvious yes as we then began to waltzing around the ballroom and recapping on things since Kurt and I grew up together. His voice was always changing from being immature to being ridiculously sexy. As the night continued on I had danced with Kurt, Tyler, Blaine and Lewis. As my dance came to an end with Lewis, Josh approached me and smiled mischievously. "I guess you want to dance too?" I said with a laugh. "Well no not really since I've got two left feet. How about getting some hors d'oeuvres?" Suggested Josh as he placed his arm around my waist and began to walk me over to the food tables and the other Princes  joined us. We all are some of the snacks such as sandwiches, sausage rolls and fruit. I in particular mostly had strawberries coated in chocolate. Suddenly out of no where Josh called me over as well and gave all of us a drink. Lewis was very skeptical about what Josh was planning but Josh persuaded him to drink it. As well as the rest of them. Tyler however didn't need persuasion he just drank it down like a shot. "What are you waiting for Megan?" Said Tyler. As Tyler said that they all looked at me. I felt a little under pressure. "Aren't you going to drink too?" Asked Blaine. I looked at him then towards the cup filled with a light yellow fizzy substance. "I don't think I should..." I said as I went to put the drink down. "Come on its only fizzy apple!" Sighed Tyler. I took a sharp deep breath then brought the cup to my lips and proceeded to drink it. It was fizzy apple but I could taste something was off about it. "Good right?" Said Blaine as we poured himself another one. "Fill up my cup too!" Demanded Lewis. Lewis is normally a kind, calm and shy individual I didn't expect him to be so demanding just then. This made me quite uncomfortable as Josh refilled Lewis' cup for him. "Want anymore?" Asked Tyler as they all looked at me blankly. Two thoughts went through my head. One thought was it's my eighteenth birthday I should live a little... The other thought was maybe this is a bad idea. "I guess she doesn't" said Lewis as he hiccuped. He was clearly drunk as a fart. "Fair enough... Remember my birthday guys how fun that was because we drank this stuff? Now that was cool" smirked Tyler looking straight at me as he said it. That settled it. "Fill it up!" I snapped. It took the boys by surprise but they all cheered like a class of children told they can go home early when Josh poured me a drink.
The party continued with more dancing and drinking and talking jibberish. At this point we were all drunk beyond expectations. In fact I couldn't even recognize people. I was too happy and excited to understand how bad of a situation I had gotten myself into. It didn't take long but I found myself talking to someone and stupidly me and this person who was clearly male by how he sounded but I couldn't hear what they were saying at all. Me and this man walked out of the ballroom without causing attention to ourselves and began to walk along the halls of the castle holding my hand in his firmly I could feel his heart beat was slightly quick but controlled while mine was frantically skipping a beat. Suddenly he pushed me against the wall in the dark hallway and kissed me repeatedly.
His tongue explored my mouth and his body pressed against mine pinning me against the wall. He then stopped then I smiled at him and said "we should continue somewhere else. Someone will notice if we stay here or head to my room". The stranger nodded but just kept kissing me moving from my mouth to my neck and was doing pretty well even though we were walking at the same time. He then stopped kissing me as I held his hand and guided him to the front door of the castle and sneaked out. We both carefully hid in the shadows out of the prying eyes of others. "Why not the stables?" Suggested the stranger. "Good idea. No one will find us there" I said excitedly but then I hiccuped. He covered my mouth trying to silence the hiccup just incase anyone was near by but then he began to hiccup himself. We then smiled at each other and quietly laughed over nothing as we then headed around the back of the castle, across the field towards the shadowy silent stables. He opened the stable door and we both entered. Before I closed it he began to kiss me again but this time more passionately. I felt my legs turn to jelly as I could barely stand, for his kiss was weakening me. He then layed me down in a pile of hay and I giggled and then said with a giggle "luckily neither of us have haefever". The stranger didn't laugh for he was occupied by kissing my neck quickly. At the same time I didn't notice, but he was slowly lifting up my dress. When I noticed that he was lifting my dress up it was too late. All of my dress was up to my stomach. "Why the fuck do dresses have so many layers" He chuckled and I laughed with him as he then grabbed something from his back pocket. It was a bottle of some substance of alcohol. He opened it up and took a swig then passed me the bottle and I drank from it too. Tasted like white wine. He then took the bottle back and finish it then placed it a side then continued to kiss me again forcing his tongue into my mouth and his right hand was placed on my left breast ontop of the dress as his right hand was trying to pull down my underwear. I wrapped my arms around his neck kissing him softly like cotton. He then leaned back away from me as he then fully removed my underwear from taking it off from around my ankles. I then sat up but he pushed me back down again and kissed my neck again on the right side of my neck as his his hands were out of my sight but I heard a zipper unzip. He then stood up and pulled his trousers down revealing himself to me. He then layed ontop of me and kissed me again as his 'third leg' poked me 'downstairs' as it was getting ready to go inside. Without a warning his cock thrusted inside of me and I was about to moan in pain but he muffled them by kissing me. He then stopped kissing me and placed his hands on my chest and began to thrust. Feeling him inside me like that really made me moan. My body was hot and though I was a virgin I looked at him in the eyes and did my best to say "more". "Are you sure? I don't think you are actually ready yet" he said with suprise. "Just do it" I said as I moaned again. He didn't question me, he just began to thrust quickly like a lion running after its next meal. I continued to moan each moan slightly louder then the next. The feeling of happiness, lust and dread over whelmed me as I began to feel dizzy. He then ejaculated deep within me filling me up with cum. He then stopped thrusting and took his cock out of my vagina slowly, breathing heavily. My vision began to become blurry as I then passed out...

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