To The Track Meet!

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Time to make my own sports anime! Called "To The Track Meet!" Just kidding, I'm too lazy to do that. But, I'm on the way to my first track meet! I'm only doing 1 event which is the 800 M (2 laps) and my friend is doing it too. We are both equally nervous. My parents might not come because of my mom having surgery 2 weeks ago and my dad went to the chiropractor so, idk if they're coming or not. Either way I'll do my best. My coaches think I'll do really well for this event so, they have faith in my. 1 hour bus drive! Yes! We got out of school early too! I'll tell you how that goes.

My parents came and I got last place. I feel like such a disappointment to my school, family, and myself. I don't wanna quit but, 800 is too much for me. My coach's had faith in me and I failed them. So, I feel like crap and I just don't wanna be a failure. There are other opportunities for other times. But, for now, I'm a complete and utter failure.

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