I'm Sick....again

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Ok, so I have a stomach issue. I've been throwing up basically everything that I eat and it's been this way since Saturday Night. I've been getting skinnier too because of stress, not eating, and vomiting. Legitimately not kidding, when I stand up you can see my ribs. My arms also look skinnier. You can see my neck bones and collarbone now and I'm pretty fricking confused. Everything fits so much looser on me than it used to but, my mom said it's apart of depression. I should be going back to school tomorrow but, I don't know, it depends on how I feel. But, I googled my symptoms and it said I had Anorexia and it's self diagnosable because it's very noticeable when you get it so, I might have it since I lost weight so quickly. Thank you for reading and I hope you have a good day/afternoon/night :)

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