The Power Went Out...

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I'm afraid of the dark (it's stupid but, I have a reason) and it's almost 1am and I have to go to the doctor today. The power just went out so, I'm scared. Like legitimately afraid to move...that's how scared I am. I'm very close to a panic attack because of my GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) so, I'm freaking panicking. I'm going not supposed to wake up for another 5-6 hours so, no one is going to check on me for a long time. I'm shaking really hard and I don't like it. I'm also on LTE witch kinda sucks.

It's been an hour since the power went out and I'm generally concerned. I have to go to the bathroom the light won't work because the power is out so, I'm triggered. I've been listening to non-lyrical music to calm me down and it was working kinda well until, my music randomly stopped but, it started again so that's nice.

Ok, this is the second hour that the power has been off. I'm not sure how power works but, does my dad need to turn it back on because it's not even taking anymore. I'm still listening to music because I can and I'm crying over fanfics. I love life.

The power was off for another while but, my mom took my phone because I was on it. I didn't go back to sleep and I have another chapter on how my Doctors Appointment went so, enjoy this for now.

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