Choosing Ceremony

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Four/Tobias- As you nervously walked up to the front of the room, you knew what your decision was. That, however, didn't stop you from being nervous. You firmly grasped the knife, having slight flashbacks to your aptitude test where you fought the dog. Pressing the knife firmly to the palm of your hand, you sliced it, letting your blood drip onto the fiery coals. Looking up as you entered the thick mass of black, you made eye contact for a moment with a boy, only a couple years older than you, his hair short.

Peter- Despite your apitude test results telling you that you belonged in Erudite, you were convinced it couldn't be true. You knew that you didn't want to spend your life hunched over books, when you could be living an exciting life with the Dauntless. Having admired the Dauntless ways since the age of 7, your natural Erudite curiosity made you observant of them. You were confident that you could easily mimic them. As you stepped up to the bowls, you glanced for a moment at the water, before looking back at the coals. It wasn't a choice for you, it never was. You let your blood drip onto the coals, joining the huge crowd of cheering people in tight black clothing. Looking around, you noticed a boy who had just transferred from Candor, and you couldn't help but admire his wildness as you and the rest of the Dauntless ran down the hundreds of stairs.

Eric- Standing up from your family, you got up, twisting your lip piercing as you reached the bowls. Your gaze swept across the bowls labelled with the symbols of the five factions; Erudite, Candor, Amity, Abnegation and Dauntless, your home. The aptitude test results had only confirmed what you had hoped; that you did indeed belong in Dauntless. You drew the knife across your palm, barely feeling pain as you watched your blood drip onto the sizzling coals, evaporating instantly. You went back to the group of Dauntless, glad that you would be able to go home again. As you ran down the stairs, a tough-looking guy who only looked 18 knocked into you, not bothering to apologise. Oh well, that was commonplace here.

Uriah- You took a glance at your childhood best friend, Uriah, as you stepped up, sighing as Marcus Eaton called your name. You knew that you had the choice of Candor, but you also knew that you didn't want to take that choice; you saw the Candor to be arrogant and rude, even more so than the Dauntless themselves. Uriah gently squeezed your hand before letting go, letting you make your choice. You took a deep breath. Telling yourself that this should be easy, you closed your eyes and let your blood drip into the Dauntless bowl, running back to Uriah and hugging him.

Caleb- You'd already made your decision. You couldn't stay in Amity any longer, you hated the idleness, the way everyone was so naive and innocent. You thirsted for knowledge, in the way only someone born for Erudite could. You watched as some boy from Abnegation made the transfer to Erudite, knowing that you'd be following suit. As Marcus called your name, you stepped up to the bowls. Looking into the bowl of water, you could practically hear Erudite calling your name, making you smile slightly as your blood tainted the water. You tentatively walked up to the crowd of blue-clad people, walking straight for the boy from Abnegation. Gently touching his shoulders, you smiled. "Hey, Stiff. May I ask your name?" The boy blinks a few times before nervously returning the smile and quietly saying
"Caleb Prior."

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