First Kiss

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Four/Tobias- After the first stage of initiation, when you rank third, he congratulates you, subconsciously leaning in before gently kissing your lips, leaving both of you surprised.

Peter- He had beaten the hell out of you in the initiation fight, leaving you in the infirmary. He came to visit you, nervously apologising. He very suddenly just grabbed your hand and kissed you quite hungrily before pulling away and just resting his forehead against yours.

Eric- During the game of Capture The Flag, you were climbing up a tree to look for Four's team, and Eric was not-so-discreetly looking at you. You jump down, landing in front of him and he presses you against the tree, tilting your head up to look at him before kissing your lips and neck quite roughly, smirking slightly, leaving you shocked.

Uriah- You had just finished ziplining with the other Dauntless-borns, and you and Uriah were sat together on the ground, his arm wrapped around you. He looked at you for a moment before tilting your head towards his and gently kissing you, while Zeke wolf-whistled in the background.

Caleb- You were sat together in the Erudite library, sharing a book about the importance of physics. You were far too immersed in the book to notice his constant glances at you. All of a sudden, you felt his lips gently pressing against your cheek, turning you bright red and giving him your full attention, allowing him to very gently brush your lips together.

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