Chapter 17

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Cammie POV

I was sure Shannon would break after a week, but over a month had gone by without even the slightest inclination that she was going to. We constantly flirted. I'd always catch her staring at me when I wasn't looking, and I know she caught me staring, too. I started wondering if she was getting over it. Like maybe it had just become a game to her and she wasn't really interested in getting back together. 

I was so ready to just say fuck it and shoot my shot. I didn't care anymore about outlasting Shannon in this breakup, because honestly, I wanted her back so badly. All this ran through my head while I was still laying in bed. I got up and got ready, not putting much makeup on because it's not like Shannon hadn't seen me without makeup. 

I took a few deep breaths before going to knock on her door. I was going to ask her out to breakfast, just so we could talk. We had been talking lately, but it was always just as friends. We never actually talked about how the break was going or anything having to do with our relationship. We both knew it was there by the little smirks and flirty comments, but neither of us actually said a word about it. I was ready to. 

I nervously knocked on her door and it took a moment before I heard her roll out of bed and drag her feet to the door. Clearly I had woken her up by the look of her hair and the fact that she was squinting from the light. She rubbed her eyes, "what's up, Cam?" She yawned. 

"I was just wondering if you uh, wanted to go to breakfast with-" I was about to finish the question when I peered behind her and saw movement in her bed. My heart dropped and I could feel the color drain from my face. "Oh, never mind," I said quickly because I felt like I was going to throw up. 

She raised one eyebrow, looking confused before she turned around and noticed the girl in her bed. I turned to walk away, but she stopped me. "Cammie, it's my sister," she kind of chuckled, but I didn't say anything. I wasn't sure I believed her. "She got in late last night. I was going to introduce you, but you were sleeping." 

I felt a wave of relief when I realized it wasn't some random girl she was hooking up with. Then I felt embarrassed, because it was clear that I was jealous or upset upon thinking Shannon slept with someone. I could feel my face heating up. "Oh," I chuckled awkwardly. 

"Yeah," she side smiled, "so what were you going to say?" 

I didn't know what she meant at first because her sister caught me off guard. Then I remembered I wanted to have breakfast with her. "Oh, right. I was going to see if you wanted to have breakfast, but I'm sure you want to spend time with your sister," I replied. 

She shrugged, "nah, I'm sure she'll sleep a little longer anyway. I'll be ready in five." She smiled and my heart skipped a beat. 

I had only planned this far ahead so I wasn't even sure what to talk to her about over breakfast. Did I just play it cool and make light conversation? Or did I take a risk and ask her about getting back together? 

I was too nervous to do the latter, so I just kept it casual. "So how have you been?" I asked, genuinely caring. 

She shrugged, "okay, I guess. You?" She seemed a little sad.

"Me too," I returned the look she gave me. Ever since we broke up it just felt like something was missing. 

There was quite a long pause after I said that. She looked down, aimlessly using her fork to play with the food on her plate. "I miss you, Cam," she said quietly.

My heart raced like crazy. I was expecting to have to be the one to express some sort of emotion about our relationship. I tried to keep myself from smiling, I didn't need her knowing just how excited I was to hear her say that. "I miss you, too," I said, just as quietly. 

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