Chapter 27

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Shannon POV

The long awaited day finally came for me to pick Cammie up at the airport. She ended up mailing a lot of her stuff, so packages of her things kept showing up at our apartment, and with each one I grew more and more excited, yet so anxious. Deep in the back of my mind I worried that we were moving awfully fast, but then I'd just remind myself that we were lesbians and it was quite normal actually.

I obviously couldn't just let Cammie come home to a dirty apartment that looked like it was just mine. I got some help from Alex and even Cari to unpack her things and help me redecorate a bit. Things were rocky between Cari and I at first, but once we got over the awkwardness we were back to being good friends. It was funny because we didn't hang out much when I got back from Pittsburg, and then when we finally got back to normal she and Peyton started coming around again, and I didn't realize how much I missed that little munchkin.

"Shannon, why are we doing this again?" Peyton tugged at my sleeve as she sprinkled rose petals all over our bed and our bedroom floor.

I chuckled, "because my girlfriend's coming home," I said excitedly.

"Home? I haven't seen her around here before," she said in her usual know-it-all voice.

I playfully rolled my eyes at her. "That's because she's moving here tomorrow," I informed her.

She looked at me with raised eyebrows, "you know, you can't just move somewhere and call it a home. It has to become your home when you get comfortable and make memories there." I just stood there stunned, looking at her. She did have a point.

I shook my head in amazement as we walked out of my bedroom. "You're too smart for your own good," I said.

Cari heard us coming out and smiled, "what is she teaching you now?"

"Oh just the good ol' 'a house is not a home' lecture," I replied.

Cari just shook her head, chuckling. Neither of us could dispute it because we both knew the little kid was right.

After receiving some words of wisdom from a four year old and tons of help from my friends, I finally left to head to the airport. Cammie was flying across the country so her flight wasn't getting in until late, even though she left Pittsburg at the crack of dawn. It was dark before I even got to the airport, and her flight still hadn't landed.

"I'm here!" My phone buzzed and I read the text on the screen immediately.

I smiled at my phone while I waited with a bunch of other people in the airport. I was getting a little nervous while waiting for her. It was a good nervous, though. Like the kind you get before a first date or a proposal, though this was neither of those.

Some time had passed and I finally saw a whole slough of people start filing down the escalator from the second floor to the waiting area for arrivals. I immediately perked up when I saw my girlfriends face in a crowd of ones I didn't recognize. She hobbled onto the escalator with her leg cast and I waited at the bottom to kiss her.

"Hi beautiful," I said once we finally pulled away.

She smiled from ear to ear, "hey baby."

We shared another passionate kiss that probably earned us a few stares, and then headed to baggage claim to collect her things.

The car ride home was boring because Cammie fell asleep holding my arm in the passenger seat, but I couldn't blame her. When we got home I gently shook her to wake her up. "We're here, Cam. Do you want me to carry you up?" I asked.

She sleepily chuckled, "you're such a romantic, I can walk."

I playfully rolled my eyes. I was definitely ready to carry her bridal-style into our apartment, but walking will do just as well. I swung the door open to reveal the candle lit apartment that was sparkling clean and freshly decorated, thanks to my friends.

Cammie gasped and I saw her eyes gloss over. "Shan," she said with happy tears in her eyes.

"Welcome home, babe," I said, still with the four year old's words in the back of my mind that a house is not a home until you make it one. We will, though. I know we will.

She dropped her bag and hugged my side, scanning over our apartment. "I'm so excited to start this journey with you," she looked up at me.

I just smiled and leaned down to kiss her. I leaned down to grip her thighs and pick her up, making her squeal. She giggled and attached our lips again as I carried her to the bedroom. She gasped again when I set her down on the bed and she saw the candle lit room with rose petals scattered everywhere.

"Shannon did you seriously leave these candles going the whole time you were at the airport?" She asked worriedly.

I rolled my eyes, "you really think I'm that dumb? I texted Alex like ten minutes before we got here so she could come light them."

She grinned, "wow you really are a romantic. When did this happen?"

I shrugged bashfully. Truthfully, it happened when I met her. "Just want to make sure you feel special and you know how happy I am to have you here," I told her.

She got up and grabbed one of my hands. "Well," she started, leaning up to peck my lips before speaking again. "You deserve to feel special, too," she said before pulling me over to the bed and pushing me down on it.

I raised my eyebrows, "go on."

She smirked and climbed on top of me, kissing me like she'd been waiting forever to feel my lips on hers. Frankly, I had, too.

The next morning we woke up in a tangled mess. Cammie was exhausted and continued to sleep even after I climbed out of bed. I turned before leaving the bedroom to admire the sight of my beautiful girlfriend occupying a spot in my bed, something I hadn't been able to see in quite some time. And something I could definitely get used to.

I made waffles for breakfast, and as if she knew just when they'd finished cooking, Cammie stumbled out of our bedroom. "Morning," I said to her.

She smiled, "good morning."

She came up and leaned against my back as I put our waffles onto separate plates and topped them with strawberries and whipped cream. Her hands were lazily wrapped around me like a tired hug.

"You okay?" I asked, a little concerned that something was wrong.

She just hugged me a little tighter, "yeah," was all she said before giving me a quick peck on the cheek and grabbing her plate.

I didn't question it, grabbing my plate to join her sitting on the barstool in our kitchen. We ate in a comfortable silence, only exchanging conversation here and there, about nothing in particular. I was getting a weird vibe from her that I couldn't quite put my finger on, though I blamed in on jet lag.

"Do you want to unpack the rest of your stuff today?" I asked once we finished eating and cleaning up the kitchen.

She shrugged and gave me a look like she wasn't really feeling it. "I kind of just want to relax. Maybe we could unpack tomorrow?" She suggested.

I nodded and grabbed her hand, pulling her into the living. "Then relaxing it is," I smiled and looked for a movie to put on.

We spent a couple hours just chilling on the couch. We watched a movie and talked and goofed off. We were just enjoying each other's company that we hadn't had in months.

I've had a couple chapters of this story written for months now, but I just couldn't get over my writers block enough to finish them. I don't even know if anyone is still reading this, but I'm sorry it took so long to update!! I promise you'll be getting a couple more chapters soon

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