Chapter 20

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Cammie POV

Spending the summer without Shannon was getting harder and harder as time crawled on, and we still had two months to go. We called each other every night and we were doing fine, I just missed her a lot. 

It was the middle of the day and I wanted to FaceTime. "How's my girl?" She asked when the call connected. 

I smiled when I saw her face, "better now."

"Is everything okay Cam?" She asked a bit worriedly. It was clear that I was struggling being away from her. 

I sighed, "I just miss you, but I'll be okay." She made a sad face, but didn't say anything. I knew she felt bad because there was nothing she could do. "What's that mark on your neck?" I asked, immediately getting territorial when I saw what looked like a hickey on her neck. 

She furrowed her eyebrows and brought the camera closer to it so I could see. "I burnt myself on my straightener," she said confidently. She didn't get nervous like she normally does when she's lying, so that was good. Or maybe she was just getting good at lying. 

I squinted my eyes, but she just squinted her eyes back at me playfully. "I'm not cheating on you, Cammie. I love you," she half chuckled so I knew she wasn't lying. 

"You better not be. I'll beat your ass," I reminded her. I heard her get a text on her phone. Then another one. And another one. Then she paused the FaceTime to, I assume, check the text messages. "Who are you talking to?" I asked, getting a little bit annoyed. Maybe there was something to be worried about. 

She didn't answer me. "Shannon?" I said again, a bit more sternly. Then my phone went off and it was a text from her. I opened it to see a screenshot of three consecutive texts from her mom. I sighed, "I'm sorry."

When I switched from my texts back to the call, it was unpaused and I could see her face. "Cam, if you don't trust me-" she began. 

I cut her off, "I trust you." I didn't want to have that talk. 

She just nodded and changed the subject. After about another hour of just talking with my girl, but mostly staring at her face and wishing I could kiss her, we hung up. I laid on my bed, thinking about our call. For some reason I couldn't shake that nervous feeling like she was hiding something. 

I needed reassurance, so I called Stevie. 

"Hey, Cam!" She answered the phone with her usual overly excited voice. 

"Stevie I need your advice," I cut to the point. 

She gasped, "oooo, with what?"

"I'm worried about Shannon. Do you think she's cheating?" I asked. I obviously had to give her more information, so I filled her in on all the details. I told her about the mark on her neck and how she had been hanging out with these friends she had made from the internship. 

"Cam, I've known Shannon forever, this doesn't sound like her," she told me, but I wasn't really sure what that meant. 

I cautiously asked the next question, "what does that mean? What do I do?"

"Why don't you just fly out to surprise her? If she's excited to see you, she's not hiding anything," she said simply. 

I thought for a minute. Was that a crazy-girlfriend thing to do? I did miss her, so what was the harm in going to see her? 

I thought on the idea for the next day and finally decided to just do it, so I booked my flight and packed my bags. It was late evening on the following day when I finally arrived. I had been texting Shannon and she told me she was going out to the club with some friends. I knew her address so I went to her apartment to drop my things off. I didn't have a key, but I wasn't worried because Shan was infamous for hiding a spare key inside a plant pot outside her door. 

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