Chapter One: Fresh Start

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"Ryu! Get your ass back here!" an older woman's shouted. There was a fast pattern of booted feet running up a flight of stairs. "Never! I'm not your plaything anymore," a more juvenile voice of a woman replied to the scream. There was a sound of a door closing followed by a small click of the very door was now locked. The younger woman appeared to be in her bedroom - which was shared by another family member. If there were to be a person were to walk in and see the walls were faded from the sun. There were spots where it was still bright from were old posters used to hang. The young brunette woman had sat on one of the beds that had occupied the room.

"I'm calling father tomorrow," another young voice said, the brunette looked over at her sister, Chae-won. Chae-won was on the other bed on her laptop listening to what seemed like lofi music. Ryu had sighed as she had raised a brow at her sibling, knowing she probably came up here to escape their devilish mother and her companion. "I'm assuming that they were all over each other again," Ryu told her as her sister had nodded in response. It didn't startle her much, well the fact that her mother was actually with the same man for more than a few days. Dismissing the problem which resided downstairs, her sibling had asked about her day at the new job which was a cash register at a gas station.

"Oh you know, same old interesting and boring until that one customer who spends everything on lottery tickets" Ryu shared how her day was at her job which she hoped she could keep for a while and move out. Much as she wanted to she couldn't take her sister because she's a minor and knowing their mom she was going to be a bitch about it. Though her sister could simply escape to their father's house, her mother would act the same. Ryu's brown eyes had looked over at her sister and beamed, "I'm sure you had a better day than me,". Ever since their parent's split, Ryu had sworn to her father that she would protect her sister from her mother, who was knowing to be abusive to both, but stopped with Ryu becoming of age and could report it to the police. Which they have reported several times however her mother, oh that bitch gotten away with it.

A depressed exhalation came from Chae-won as she had hated it here worse than school. She was only a junior in high school and was almost done. "Sometimes I wish I knew the reason why father never fought for our custody" she expressed as the brunette had looked at her. Ryu often wondered why her father didn't, was it because he too knew that their mother who was once nice was changed over some man whom she cheated with? Or was it because he had simply slipped out of love with her realizing the true version of their mother. They would never know, would they? "Don't worry, I think like that as well" Ryu responded as she possibly would demand her father one day for the reasoning of why he dropped her. Ryu had looked over at her sister in search of some relief from the topic, it was a rough one.

Searching for a way to lighten the mood so it could be a brighter afternoon. Ryu had risen from her area as she had taken a few strides over to her sister's bed. Chae-won was looking at her computer doing something, not completely aware of what her sister was doing. The brunette had moved her arms a little up in a scare position. She then fell onto the bed as her hands had made their way to her sister's side. Tickling her sister some giggles rose from the situation.

"R-Ryu stop it!" Chae-won bellowed out in laughter; her body squirming from being tickled. Ryu had looked at her sister as she had a smile on her lips as she was happy that her sister was laughing. It was one thing she missed and hearing it made her content. Denying the order from her sister her hands had wondered her sister's sides, still tickling. "Why should I stop?" she asked laughing a little as she watched her sister squirm and push the laptop away from them so it wouldn't get broken. A sharp exhale and more laughter was produced.

"B-Because you love me!" her sister replied with giggles. Another burst of laughter soon erupted. Soon content with the amount of laugher Ryu had stopped and pulled herself away from her sister. There was fighting from downstairs, it was most likely between their mother and their mother's lover. It wasn't loud enough to hear what the adults were possibly fighting about this time. The smiles on both young women had faded, which lead Ryu to take it upon herself to walk over to a shelf they had in their room. Taking a random CD from their massive collection she had inserted the chosen CD into the radio and pressed the small play button. After a few seconds of the radio rendering the CD, it started playing at a medium volume. Ryu had looked over at her sister from the shelf and listened to it playing the album which was Love Yourself: Tear.

Chae-won had looked up from her bed at her sister Ryu and smiled widely as she was in love with the Korean boy-band. It would be a dream if they could meet them instead of standing feet away from them at a live concert. Ryu had gotten up from her squatted position after putting the CD in. She had put the case for it back on the shelf beside the radio and walked over to her sister's bed and sat on it. Scooting herself further onto the bed she had laid beside her bed, looking at the ceiling many thoughts had gone through her head. It was a plot to escape from the devil below them. It was an almost perfect plan as after work Ryu would catch the bus to the high school to catch a different bus to her father's house. Knowing when they would get there they would be welcomed with open arms as their father loved them as well as their stepmother, Joyce. As the music played in the background she had clung onto her sister as she often did this when they were having their sisterly moments.

It must have been hours or something like that the sun was setting as the radio was just replaying the disc over and over again. Ryu was snapped out of her zone as her sister was trying to get her attention. "Ryu," her sister must have been calling for a few minutes. Shaking her head slightly Ryu had glanced over at her sister, her brown hair was a complete mess, laying everywhere on the pillows. "I wish we didn't live here," she said as she was in the gloomy pessimistic state once more. Ryu had frowned as she hated seeing her sister like this and what reason she was unhappy about. Ryu had replied, "I know I wish that too." The young woman had looked at her sister then to the popcorned ceiling. Taking in a deep inhalation she had shut her eyes, she thought about the plan she had only gone over in her head more than a hundred times.

"Let's go to dad's tomorrow," Ryu began as her sister gazed at her, she could tell of the corner of her coffee-colored eyes. "I'll ride the bus near the school and we take the bus to dad's" she concluded as she knew her sister would eventually be asked questions, thus she waited for what seemed hours. There were no questions asked; this caused her to glance over at her sister who had a petite smile on her face. "I love the sound of that Ry," her sister replied as she had let out a tremendous yawn. It must have been around night time. Hunger didn't bother striking their bodies as it was well ready and time for bed. Ryu had moved just a bit and then she had stretched, she too then let out a yawn. It was time for them to end on a neutral note and for tomorrow - it will be a good note

"Good night"

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