Chapter Four

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**a/n: I like doing time skips so four months later?**

I had sighed as I had walked into my apartment. Since I had that job at BigHit I got payed less, it was because the fact that I was just a errand runner for them before their shows. I had sighed as I had looked around my small apartment, it wasn't bright the fact that Momo was still living at dads after the whole mother incident.

"It's just boring here without her" I said

I heard my phone ding as I had looked over at it and saw that it was from him. I had took a step into my home before grabbing my phone from the table stand. My eyes had looked at the text message, I couldn't read all of it so I had unlocked my phone before reading the message.

Suga-Oppa: Ryuu~ i have a question for you

Me: What oppa?

Suga-Oppa: can I come over?

Me: sure! :>

I had replied last and with that I had closed the door before I had set my bag down. Today there wasn't so much requesting so I had brought stuff for me to do and the others since they weren't doing so much. Besides they just got back from performing their new album, Love Yourself. Which I wasn't the only person that ran errands for them so I wasn't there those few days to watch them.

Not only that I've been falling for him. It wasn't just because I was a fan, but I am actually knowing him than others. Also I'm pretty sure if there was some other fan or someone they would make a scandal or something like that. It was a few minutes and I was thinking about going to take a shower, I was about to head to the bathroom. Before I could step in the bathroom I heard a knock, which I had assumed was him. Rolling my brown eyes I had then turned around and headed to the front door. In case it was someone else, I had got on my tip toes and looked through the peephole. 


My heart had pumped faster as I had then unlocked my door and opened it. I had smiled and bowed a little, letting in the idol, that I wish was mine. Getting the feeling of butterflies in my stomach I had closed the door once Yoongi walked in.

"Why did you come here?" I asked looking at him

"Oh I just needed to get away from the others" he replied.

Thinking for a moment I'm pretty sure that was lie and he was here for something else. Which not just to shoo him off just yet, I'll just play along with him. I had nodded in slight response before walking to my living room.

"I didn't think you would be over here so quickly" I  spoke up.

"Why's that?" he asked

"I was about to take a shower" I responded.

When I said that I instantly regret telling him of what I was going to do if he didn't get here so early. In fact when I said that there was a tint of pink on my pale peachy skin. 

"Do you want to go watch the stars?" he asked.

When he asked he had automatically walked over  to the balcony. I mean sure, just if it wasn't in areas that fans could see him or I. He was probably being fine with being seen, though sometimes he was probably annoyed. I just wasn't ready to be out in public with him or any other member or just anyone in general that's a kpop idol.

"Could we maybe go do a secluded area?" I asked sheepishly.

"Are you afraid of being seen with me, yeodongsaeng?" he asked



"Because I just want to be the face in the crowd, having no one thinking that 'Oh Suga is hanging out with a girl!' or 'Could this be that Suga has a girlfriend?'" I stated

He had looked at me with slightly wide eyes, he had looked at me from the balcony since he hadn't walked back in. He had walked in and smiled a little. 

"I'm pretty sure no one would see you as my 'girlfriend'-" he said back

"Besides I see you as my little sister" he finished

Those words that he said to me stung a little, in fact I was trying a little not to breakdown and tell him to get out. I rubbed my left hand on my right bicep, a blush had appeared on my cheeks. Wanting him to go away, I quickly thought of a lie that I would tell him. I had grabbed at my stomach. 

"I don't feel good Oppa." I lied 

"Oh, what's wrong?" he asked

"I've been feeling bad all day, so for good measures I think you should leave" I said

Just saying that lie, I felt sick to my stomach. With that I had walked over to the door and opened it. I didn't noticed that Yoongi was behind me, I heard and felt his breath against my neck. That action made me shiver a little before I saw Yoongi's hand shut the door. I wasn't phased yet until I had turned around and I was pressed against the door. Fear had appeared throughout my body, my eyes had traveled up from his torso to his eyes. They looked different, filled with something else. Which I wasn't sure if this was okay.

Was it?

Was it really okay?

Okay for me, another face in the crowd.

Another face in the crowd loving a idol.

I just hope so..

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