Chapter 5.

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~~~~~Jen's POV~~~~~

"ENGLAND!!!!!!!" I screamed.

How the hell did we end up in England?!?!? I was only asleep for like two hours. Or so it feels like.

He simply chuckles and says, "Yup. You were asleep for quite a long time."

This is not funny Harry. I feel like punching you in the throat and stabbing you with a penguin.

Yes, a penguin. They are little majestic tough a-- balls of fluff.

This is serious s---. I never curse but when I have a mix of emotions running through me, I tend to.




So many emotions right now.

"How long was I asleep?" I need to know. Maybe he did something to my body while I was asleep.

It's then that I remember that I am slung over his shoulder, when I feel his shoulder stabbing in my stomach.

" Before you answer that. Can you put m- ?" Before I can finish, he drops me to the floor.

What a jerk.

"Now you may proceed with my answer. Jerk." I say, while mentally smiling.

He answers sarcastically, "Boss me around like that again and I'll chloroform you again.''

"Geez, grumpy pants. But can you please answer my question?"

He's such a jerk.

"You were asleep for about 16 hours or so. I've never met a girl who snores that loud." He says, nonchalantly.

"16 Hours?!? Take me home you bastard!" I screamed.

"Listen, you little b----. You can take the easy way or you can take the hard way. It's your choice."

"You are a selfish jerk and I HATE you!" I yelled back.

"The hard way it is." He says before pinning me against a wall and threatening me

"You will behave like the nice, little girl you are or I will lock you up."

He grabbed my a-- while I thrashed around in his arms.

It was then that I realized that while I was yelling at him, we arrived in front of a building.

I knee'd him in the spot where the sun don't shine and ran inside this house.

It was very beautifully decorated and ornate.

I slammed the door behind me and ran further into this house.

I am so stupid to run into this house and I don't even know who lives here and if a serial killer lives here.

Wait, one does. HARRY!

It was then that I realized that in the room that I was currently in was a group of people about my age.

Two girls and four guys.

They all stared at me wide eyes before I felt a cloth wrap around my mouth and darkness take over.


I woke up in a dark room that had a tiny bit of light coming in like a line from under the door.

I stared at the light until a pair of footsteps walked across it, followed by another one and another one.

Where am I? What is going to happen to me?

I couldn't stop these thoughts from coming into my head because helllloooooo I'm stuck in a dark room.

I tried to stand up but it was then that I realized my hands were tied together.

How cliche.

I overheard the coversation on the other side of the door.

"Mate, why the f--- is she here?" A thick, deep British voice stated, obviously aggravated.

"She's hot and I wanted her." Harry replied.

Who the h-e-double hockeystick does he think he is that he can just take me if he wanted me?

"So what if you wanted her? You cant just take a girl just because you wanted her." A sweet and soft voice, obviously a girls voice, sounded through the door.

"Shut the h--- up, Perrie. I am not afraid to lock you in there with her." Harry remarked, sounding rather irritated.

"Don't you dare talk to my girlfriend that way, Curly. I will mess you up just like when we met."

Harry replied, like the smart a-- he is, "Just remember, Zayn. I was the one that won that fight."

So one of the girls, Perrie, is dating one of the guys named Zayn.

"What are you going to do with her anyways?" the guy -Zayn- replied.

"Make her a part of the gang and my mate."


I feel that the book is getting boring already and I should just stop writing.

I honestly dont know what I should do.

-Joliz <3

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