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Archie POV
My dad stopped the car and got out. I immediately let go of Jughead's pinkie. I heard him sigh in the back. I glanced back at him but he was looking at his lap. It made me upset seeing him upset. Did he want to tell people? He just said he wanted to keep it a secret for awhile... is he mad I told Betty? Well... technically she found out on her own. I looked back at him and smiled. He smiled and got out. Maybe he wasn't upset?
As we walked up to the doors I noticed Reggie and his friends standing over by the trash can talking. As we walked closer, they all got quiet and stared at us. I felt sweaty my heart skipped a beat. Maybe a few beats... I felt this uneasiness, like they knew. But they didn't, only Betty knew. Unless Betty told them... she wouldn't. Maybe?
Me and Jughead sat down on the same side of the booth across from my dad. He ordered us all pancakes and milkshakes, knowing our orders by heart. When I glanced at Jughead he was staring out at Reggie and his friends. I slid my hand under the table and sat it on his hand, they were closed together fidgeting. He looked at me shyly and immediately looked away. "Why are you guys so quiet?" My dad said, leaning his forearms onto the table. I shrugged. "I didn't think we were being quiet." He squinted his eyes at us "you haven't talked since we were at home..." I looked away and at Reggie. My dad followed my eyes. "Why do you guys keep looking at Reggie? Are you guys fighting or something?" He said as the server sat the pancakes in front of us. He nodded a thanks and went back to questioning us. "No Mr. Andrews, I just thought he looked suspicious..." "of what?" "I don't know..." he nodded and stuffed his face with a pancake. I stabbed it with a fork a few times, I felt sick to my stomach... probably from Reggie and his friends... "Jughead are you left handed?" My dad said out of no where. "Uh... no why?" Jughead raised and eyebrow. "Well you've been using your left hand the whole time..." he pulled his hand away from mine. "I don't know..." he blushed and sat his arm on the table. I could tell now my dad was suspicious. Out of the corner of my eye I see Reggie looking at us. "Excuse me." I whispered to Jughead and passed him. I walked outside towards the crowd of guys. "Is there something wrong?" Reggie shrugged. "No, what's up?" He looked guilty of something. "Well you've been looking at me this whole time so..." his face turned red. "What? No I haven't!" he stuttered out quickly. All his friend laughed and whispered. Why was Reggie acting like this... he seemed... like Jughead. Kind of innocent when he was around me, and skiddish and red. Was Reggie gay? I shook my head at the thought. No he's not. Reggie out of all people is not gay. He's hooked up with so many girls, it's not even possible. I turned back towards the door. "Actually... Archie can I talk to you?" He said rubbing his neck, his face still a hot red. "Sure." I said. We walked towards the opposite side of the building so no one could hear us. "I Uh... Archie yknow you're one of my good friends right?" He stuttered. I nodded "yeah, I guess." "Well... I sorta kind of... never mind this is fucking stupid." He said getting frustrated. I laughed a little. "Reggie just tell me, my god." "I'm gay." He said quickly. "I was right!" Fuck did I just say that out loud... he looked at me. "What? You knew? H-how?" "I-I didn't know, I just... you just acted like jugh-" I stopped myself. I was not going to tell Reggie I as with him. "Jughead? I acted like Jughead? Wait Jughead's gay? How'd you know? Are you gay!" He rambled on. FuckFuckFuckFuckFuck
"Reggie.... I-I am gay..." Reggie smiled slightly. "Archie... that's why I told you! I kind of like you." He blushed red and looked down. "Reggie I-I" before I knew it Reggie had kissed me. I pushed him off of me. "Reggie-" I heard someone behind me, I turned to see Jughead. His face was red, and his eyes were watery but not crying. "Archie what the fuck." He said looking at us. My arms, I realized we're still on Reggie's shoulders from pushing him away. "Jughead it's not what you think I swear!" I said walking toward him, he just took a few steps back. "Jughead." I kind of squeak. Was he walking away from me... I didn't mean to intentionally hurt him. "Archie... you fucking asshole." He mumbled. "Jughead can I just talk to you... please." My voice cracked at the end, my eyes started watering. He shook his head and walked away. "Fuck!" I yelled throwing my head up to the sky and running my hands through my hair. Reggie stood quiet near me. "Archie... I'm so sorry. I didn't know I swear." "How could you've known! We haven't fucking told anybody! HE DIDN'T WANT TO!" I laughed. "He didn't fucking want to..." I was crying now, trying really hard not break down in front of all these people. "Archie..." Reggie said taking a step forward. "Stop Reggie... just fucking stop." I leaned my head against the window. "Hey arch, where'd Jughead go?" My dad walked out. "What's wrong?" He said nothing I was crying. I wiped my eyes quickly and stood straight up. "I'm fine." I said wiping my eyes again. He shook his head, but he stopped asking questions.
Jughead POV
Tears were now pouring out of my eyes, I couldn't stop them from rolling down my cheeks. Why would he fucking do that... was he dating Reggie the whole time... I cried more from that thought. I started running down the sidewalk now. I didn't want him to catch up to me. Finally I passed by the lake. I stood by the edge. Maybe if I just fucking kill myself I'll be fine... no. I've had really bad thought, but I'd never kill myself. Would I? I took a step into the water and just stood there. I could just fucking drown right here... I looked up at the sky still crying. "DAMNIT ARCHIE!" I screamed into the lake. No one would hear me... "WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DO THAT!" I screamed, I fell onto my knees. "Damnit fucking Archie...."my eyes were red from crying so much. "Jughead." I hear a voice croak from behind me. It was Archie. Fuck. I walked forward into the water. "Go away Archie." I cried. "Jughead! Please can we just talk." "No, go talk to Reggie..." "Juggie-" "don't call me that..." "Jughead... he kissed me. I swear." I rolled my eyes. "Yeah fucking right! Reggie kissed you?" I laughed. "Juggie I'm serious!" "It's Jughead." I squinted at him. I take another step into the water. "I should've know that a guy like you wouldn't date a guy like me." Tears were pouring over my face again." "Jughead... I love you! Not Reggie. I swear he kissed me." "Archie! You don't have to fucking lie! I saw you guys kissing!" Archie's face turned red from anger. "Oh my lord Juggie! I fucking love you! Not Reggie! What part do you not understand! You! I love you! Reggie kissed me because he's gay too!" He pretty much screamed at the top of his lungs. I just cried more. "It's heard to believe you Arch... it just... hurts so much." This time I was bawling my eyes out, I couldn't even try to stops. "Jughead, I would never try to hurt you and you know that! I swear to god that I didn't kiss him!" He said stepping forward and taking my hand in his. I couldn't move away from his grasp, my heart wouldn't let me. I wanted to believe him so bad... but I also felt like I couldn't trust him. "Archie.... I want to forgive you so bad..." "then forgive me! Please Jug I need you in my life!" I shook my head. "It's not that easy Archie... it's hard for me to trust people... and you know that. And I do love you. But my heart is physically aching right now from missing you..." "I'm not gone yet though Juggie! I'm still here for you! I just need you to let me be here..." I looked up at him. I've never really seen Archie cry. And he's also never really lied to me. But Reggie... he makes me so fucking mad. I loved Archie... but Reggie loved Archie as well. And what if Archie loved Reggie too... my thoughts were just now spiraling in my mind now. "Archie... you fucking make me crazy. I'm hurting so much... but you also make me so happy... ugh!" I rub my eyes, taking my hand away from Archie's. I immediately regret it though. I needed Archie... just not right now. "I think... we should take a break."
Archie POV
My breath caught in my through. A break. Fuck. What if he changed his mind halfway through the break. "Fine, but you have to promise me you'll come back. I need you Jug..." he nodded slowly. "I will... just not today." I nodded and took a step back. I could already tell this would hurt like hell. I couldn't bare to be without Jughead for a few hours... who knows how long it'll be until I see him again. Where's he going to stay? "Hey Juggie... where are you going to stay." He shrugged. "I'll find a way..." "you can still stay with us if you need to." "Maybe Arch... I don't know... it'll hurt to much." I nodded. "Just consider it please?" He smiled lightly and nodded. "Ok"

This is me trying to be dramatic sad, you're welcome for that:) ANYWAYS, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 200 AAAAAHAHSJAKSBS! seriously thought thanks you guys so much!!

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